wrath [ship]

faction: unique

class: destroyer, suppressor

rank: 8

hull: 125% of procyon

shield: 125% of procyon

speed values: identical to archon

energy values: identical to archon

modifier slots:

CPU- 2

Hull- 2

Shield- 2

Capacitor- 2

Engine- 1

with the new OS update upcoming I took the liberty to design a destroyer for the pirates, these would travel around pirate zones firing at players and police that came by,







the 12 blue spots mark where weapons would be mounted, the 4 yellow spots mark where active modules would be mounted


special module:

-heavy shield generator

immobilizes the ship for 5 seconds, as well as making the ship invulnerable, additionally all enemies within 2km take 500 em damage per second from a blue pulsar while the module is active (visually the ship is encased in an energy field like the ones the archelon, in canon this ship is a mix of procyon, nightingale, archelon, and stingray parts), ship additionally regenerates shields equal to 200%of damage dealt via blue pulsar, cooldown is something like 15 seconds, making the ship well cut out for CQC tanking.



-Rotary Plasma Cannon (ranks 6-10)

600 rpm per turret, spread is always 3 degrees, dps is about 3000 em, range is 3km, fires slow explosive projectiles, effective close range weapon.




active modules:

-Pirate Mortar (ranks 6-10)

uses charges, maximum of 2, regains one every 15 seconds, on activation consumes a charge to fire an unguided missile that creates a large radioactive cloud on detonation, 2.5 second delay between mortar shots, range is 5km, damage is identical to a tactical nuke




passive modifiers:

-‘rearguard’ system (ranks 6-10) (shield mod)

disables proximity damage bonus at the cost of 45% capacitor volume,


new broker mission:

-wrath: testing

“Hello mercenary, as you may know, the pirates have recently started launching a new class of destroyer, my clients and I would like to see how it works, so I ask you to please go to pirate zones and destroy 150 of them, I will have people to investigate the wreckage, but I will also need combat footage from you”

what the player must do:

destroy 150 of the “Pirate Wrath” units in open space


the player gets a wrath, the wrath is a R8 destroyer, It is technically gold, as opposed to purple like other destroyers

wow !! so much work !! bravo : )

i like this idea about destro for pirates, but i don’t  like much it’s design… for me it sound a  table vaccum cleaner …sorry ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

but nice work anyway ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)



50 minutes ago, SheenShade said:

wow !! so much work !! bravo : )

i like this idea about destro for pirates, but i don’t  like much it’s design… for me it sound a  table vaccum cleaner …sorry ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

but nice work anyway ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)



thanks, and by the way, what does “sound a table vaccum cleaner” mean?

hmm, a vaccum cleaner … with google traduction…better a table hoover, maybe ?

Probably he tried to say that it looks like the sound a table vacuum cleaner makes, pretty accurate if you ask me.

11/10 for effort

10/10 for design of ship and items

6/10 for uniqueness of ship and items

2/10 for effectiveness on the battlefield


Could use more modules and passives. And it’s a destroyer so it’s automatically a super weak target. Might wanna buff special module a bit. More range with a low cooldown and maybe a regen factor would be perfect.


increased survivability, added effects to special module, increased information provided for weapon and active module, added ‘rearguard’

almost : ) image.png.d2a0eaa67616d8fcceb23c5e0c604cc7.png

whoow - nice work

A space station with workshop that would allow to alter / tweak / upgrade normal ships to pirate versions (invl. a bit design change) would be great.

Can Onshape save files as stl and obj etc? Or is it just a visual modelling program?

42 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Can Onshape save files as stl and obj etc? Or is it just a visual modelling program?

I’m pretty sure it can, I don’t really use that function

6 minutes ago, evo888 said:

I’m pretty sure it can, I don’t really use that function

I guess I’ll test it at some point.

Im just lookin for an alternative to solidworks because it’s so expensive.