Worth reading.

Three mercenaries are sitting at a table. One of them is Jericho, the other is Empire and the last one is Federation.

Their commanding officer walks in and starts giving them orders. “You’re all going to complete your objectives and then return to base!” he states.

The Jericho mercenary says, “I will honour my family with this mission!”

The Empire mercenary says, “I will honour the Empire with this victory!”

The Federation mercenary says, “I will fly around, do nothing and then make a swift getaway in the name of the Federation!”

“Worth reading.”

You lied!


And the Ellydium mercenary walks in, shoots all four of them and jumps away on a jetpack.

But yeah, no, that wasn’t funny ^^

All three has the same commanding officer? That’s a weird conflict ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)

A masperpiece! I weep teats of joy and pleasure.

9 hours ago, millanbel said:

Ellydium mercenary walks in, shoots all four of them

 Soooooooo, the Ellydium mercenary commenced suicide o.O?

9 minutes ago, Milfeulle said:

 Soooooooo, the Ellydium mercenary commenced suicide o.O?

Depends if the commander is still in the room or just left it.

9 hours ago, JaVi said:

All three has the same commanding officer? That’s a weird conflict ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)

They are mercenaries, not soldiers.

OMG I played the whole game wrong.
*format c:*
*throw computer into acid*
![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”) ![:006:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006.png “:006:”)

But does this mission pay well?



Guys, you don’t understand the fed mercenary . He needs to capture a beacon and win the game. But he keeps getting these recon matches…