Wonky Wednesday, Episode 1 - Hosted by KT and Dirk | Straw Poll (This time for real)

Attention lulz-seekers!


This is a straw poll for an upcoming Wonky Wednesday. Note that this is  not  next week’s edition - that has already been determined by the moderators.


It is multiple choice, so don’t be afraid to vote for any ideas you like!

See this thread for more information, and/or if you want to suggest an idea: https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27887-wonky-wednesdays/


Reminder, Wonky Wednesdays will be livestreamed at https://gaming.youtube.com/c/ArkhosCore/live
Video channel can be found here. Check back for updates!

Episode 2 | Spy Drone Wars!


Post reserved for after-incident videos, screenshots, and other lulz.

As of the time of this post, station to station open space race is in the lead. We will keep tallying the votes until Tuesday, when we will pick whichever gamemode is in the lead. (KT or I will post which one is the winner).

Next week’s Wonky Wednesday will be Spy Drone Wars (team battle)!


Still working on the last week’s footage, and waiting on the other recorders. :slight_smile:

Spy Drone Wars video is up!