
38 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Okay i told you engie payers hundreds of times, that especially to you FB should be easy to counterplay:

energy convertrer oneshots 8k hp targets that deal 37k damage in a very short time, if aimed properly

static barrier combined with minelayer works wonders, as they have to directly fly at you to get their full dps.


And those 37k damage were not one shot. If you look closely, the killing blow was a mere 1190 damage, those shots only feel so big due to the insane RoF of this thing.

![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”) you do realise some people can actually lift their fingers from the mouse button and stop shooting for the duration? and that orion has much shorter cooldown than EC

22 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

a mere 1190 damage


On 10.4.2018 at 6:26 PM, _terrorblade said:

![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”) you do realise some people can actually lift their fingers from the mouse button and stop shooting for the duration? and that orion has much shorter cooldown than EC

means they sotp firing counting half a second of reaction time and the damage that is incoming nonetheless, you can still kill those bits easily


And “a mere 1190” damage per shot was in comparison to the 37k stated before. Also 1190 em damage oneshot nothing at all.

2 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

…  “a mere 1190” damage per shot was in comparison to the 37k stated before. Also 1190 em damage oneshot nothing at all.

In PvE one can spot the (former) op-ness of the [Frontal Blaster] quite good: an Interceptor equiped with 2 FB main guns could shoot down structures, installations and/or missile launchers, at speeds 1/3 of what my good 4 explosive main guns [Th’ak’Len] could do.  I could work my tail off, just to see the FB-Interceptor-heroes gain 3 times the points I could do. What the heck - even from farther away they could do!

3 hours ago, avarshina said:

In PvE one can spot the (former) op-ness of the [Frontal Blaster] quite good: an Interceptor equiped with 2 FB main guns could shoot down structures, installations and/or missile launchers, at speeds 1/3 of what my good 4 explosive main guns [Th’ak’Len] could do.  I could work my tail off, just to see the FB-Interceptor-heroes gain 3 times the points I could do. What the heck - even from farther away they could do!

That could be done before, good covert ops did the same with sk’rah… i mean not that quickly, but they still did it (especially in Pirate fort raid)

On 4/7/2018 at 8:32 PM, xKostyan said:

Full valley hit is 100 to emergency barrier for pretty much all agile targets, so yeah it better be dodgable

I did actually come to point out that this is a volley of 6, and imo they need better turn rates and slightly lower velocity because they currently can’t even follow a standard missile to a target. How dangerous they is a factor of how many can hit, and if they all suck they all suck. Imo if I was Gaij, I’d give each salvo slightly worse stats so the second and third volleys find it harder to hit thier target and the first almost always does. This would be a nice way to step down the damage on all but the dumbest of small ship pilots.

Oh and Waz’got moaners are complaining because they didn’t get modules. All of them. Haven’t seen a single post so far that’s not down to it’s OP lacking items. Won’t say they aren’t super steep rn, but that’s because Waz is very useful at max rank. Good candidate for best all round support in the game, and therefore understandably expensive to keep everyone from using one.

I mean, it’s an Engi that can teleport with a passive module, eat ships for health and use all the crazy spec elly mods like synth sphere which makes it more agile than any other engi. It can send drones to assist other ships halfway across the map, or use them as 9khp missiles, all before R9. It’s hard to make it suck once you have a decent main gun. Hell it’s hard to complain about period.

You must be kidding right?


Today in Combat Recon i had several Wolfhounds which had no problem getting to us in less than 10 seconds of the round starting and insta-killing the commander and half of our group. This thing shred my destroyer in less than 2 seconds. I lost my shields, swarm and 70% of my hull within 1 second and that was just his special, he didn’t even start shooting at me yet. Singularity cannon of course, it hit me with 40k per hit… and that’s with almost 50% base EM resist and 100% extra resist from swarm. Now tell me again Wolfhound needs a buff. Haha.


I thought i was cheesing with my destroyer having easily 2.5k HP/s but nope, comes a wolfhound around and turns me into swiss cheese in less than 2 seconds whereas otherwise its a whole team’s effort to kill me before i take a destroyer down thanks to the insane regen.


But yea i’ve also seen the Stingray kill combo. I think they all need some… balancing. Burst damage is fine but if you can just insta-travel to the entire enemy team in less than 10 seconds and insta-gib the commander even with the entire team being alerted to the intruder and giving him everything they’ve got. It’s just plain broken, especially if said commander has 300k EHP. And i’ve seen many shenanigans with energy converter…done some of them too *caugh* one-shot’ing a destroyer… but then again that takes some well aiming, factoring in some luck (thanks to the converter being unreliable with hitting destroyers sometimes) and needs you to take some insane punishment as well for you to throw back said insane damage, none of these ships have the survivability to take that much punishment to even make use of the energy converter effectively.


Anyway, the Wolfhound doesn’t need survivability buffs, if anything it needs some stark nerfs in the offensive department… just like the Stingray.