Executive Summary:
Created 6 Wolfhound components 10.3.2018. All components were gone the next day.
Yesterday I was looking that I have all necessary components for Wolfhound so I created the needed components:
- 3/3 Wolfhound hull plates
- 3/3 Wolfhound processing chips
Of course, only after creating those I noticed the !“¤(/!”%&¤ Enriched Electrum - so the ship was not created.
However, when I logged in today - the Wolfhound components were gone!
So I am missing (at least) these, current status:
0/3 Wolfhound hull plates
0/3 Wolfhound processing chips
Life is unfair enough already, so may I please ask the mighty support to give me the resources back?
Or fill my Electrum supplies if you’re feeling lazy… ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)
Pilot name: Hunter2