windows 8 shortcuts render game unplayable

Specs and logs aren’t an option because this is reported by a friend of mine, so yer silly form won’t be used here.

My friend uses windows 8 and after about a minute of intense playtime, his machine starts using every keystroke as a shortcut to open something completely unrelated to the game, like a search box or the desktop or explorer. It’s the most annoying thing ever and makes controlling a ship impossible.


I am sorry, but without a proper bug report it will be hard to find the cause of this problem.

I am playing on windows 8 for 8 months now without issue.

I would give you one, but I live 3 states away from him. He moved from windows 7 (working fine) to windows 8, and he says he hates it. It may, though, have something to do with his control binds. Control moves you up, alt moves you down, space is afterburner, (because in other windows sticky keys kept killing him). But I’ve done some searching and found no methods of disabling those stupid keyboard shortcuts. If -you- would be kind enough to lend me your keybinds I would greatly appreciate it.

I would give you one, but I live 3 states away from him. He moved from windows 7 (working fine) to windows 8, and he says he hates it. It may, though, have something to do with his control binds. Control moves you up, alt moves you down, space is afterburner, (because in other windows sticky keys kept killing him). But I’ve done some searching and found no methods of disabling those stupid keyboard shortcuts. If -you- would be kind enough to lend me your keybinds I would greatly appreciate it.

Does he use a laptop? Let him try the same key combinations in other games and in windows itself. I use the standard binds, with a simple click on repair he should get the same.

I am on win 8.1 for couple of months now, had no issues related to OS

i’m on windows 10, no problem as well



The start button must be jammed. You can get the same result if you press start + r. You open up the run window. The start button might look like windows logo or a box with lines a mouse. I don’t have windows 8. Either way just repeatedly press the start button to unjam it.

It happens to me on windows 7.

Thx for the info. I’ll do some debugging later when I get to his place. Hopefully it’s hardware and not software. Hardware responds to brute force but software is just silly.

Try updating graphics drivers or something, maybe keyboard settings need changed.

the only shortcuts i encountered were the accessibility/disability helper shortcuts, which are present in each iteration of windows (like multiple hitting shift), which you can change in system settings and are turned on by default usually.


i play on win 8.0 with default shortcuts. no problems whatsoever.


anyway, it isn’t cute, if you swear between your sentences.

anyway, it isn’t cute, if you swear between your sentences.

Who is this comment directed to?

Any news on the bug?

According to him, it’s still happening. He’s going to try to get rid of shortcuts all together now. When I hear from him again I’ll update ya. ^^

You will should create new [correct bugreport](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)