win1 battle contract not complete, battle won [NB]





there’s proof. the contract is completed, but i did not take that contract after the victory, as seen in the second screenshot.

20:28:51.337 CMBT | ======= Connect to game session session 2812123 =======
20:35:53.637 CMBT | xGeneStarwind reward 136128 credits for victory

part of the combat log, with the session id.


however, i did take the contract just before the battle was entered… just occurred to me.


so, you might be able to scratch that up to that one… but it means the contract state is being checked too soon and should be done later in the sequence.

Yeah, sometimes if you accept a contract as your going into battle, it wont count for that battle if it doesn’t register before the battle technically starts. If this occurs two battles in a row though, let us know. 

Yeah, sometimes if you accept a contract as your going into battle, it wont count for that battle if it doesn’t register before the battle technically starts. If this occurs two battles in a row though, let us know.

Nothing you do in the UI after a session is started matters anymore for that session. In the UI that would basically be the moment where it says “Triangulating”. Due to lag the time between triangulating and actually entering battle can be rather long, you can even switch ships. If there’s a bug it’s the UI not getting locked.