Win ratio

Could someone please explain to me what win ratio for different factions means and how it’s calculated?

The win ration is calculated for all players together. For example you joined the Jericho faction: If you win a battle the counter for Jericho goes +1.

The win ration is calculated for all players together. For example you joined the Jericho faction: If you win a battle the counter for Jericho goes +1.

That’s what I’ve feared. That system is actually inherently biased to favor the most numerous faction not the one that is actually the most skilled since we have mixed team (faction) battles. I.e. let’s say Jericho is the most numerous and Empire and Federation have fewer members. In mixed fight lets say that the average composition in a battle per size is 4 imperial pilots, 4 federation pilots and 8 jericho pilots… so no matter the outcome the Jericho’s win ratio will increase the same. On a more personal level that means that if you get mixed in a team that has fewer members of your faction that the team your are fighting against (i.e. your team has 3 imperial pilots and the opposing team has 8 imperial pilots) preferable action to increase your faction win ratio would be to lose.That’s wrong, and broken to say the least! I think in the future this “win ratio” system should be reworked and replaced with something better or there should be only single faction teams allowed.

The system maybe changed in the future, but one sided team battles won’t be added in the near future. This would make the matchmaking system even more complicated.

The system maybe changed in the future, but one sided team battles won’t be added in the near future. This would make the matchmaking system even more complicated.

Ok, here’s my suggestion how to remove the bias towards more numerous faction. Take a recent battle I’ve been in… if we presume that the ship classes correspond with pilot’s allegiance then there were:

MY TEAM: 3 imperial pilots, 5 federal pilots and 6 jericho pilots

OPPOSING TEAM: 3 imperial pilots, 6 federales and 5 jerichos

My team won so jericho got twice the points added to their win ratio that empire did. That’s not fair and I believe we would have a better system if it took into account the allegiance of pilots on the losing side as well so that each pilots on the side that won gives +1 to win ratio while each pilot on the side that lost subtracts -1 points to win ratio for that particular battle with a note that effect of a battle can’t be subtracted from overall win ratio if the number is negative.

In example I mentioned above that would mean that Empire gains (+3-3=0) 0 point to their win ratio, Federation of Planets (+5-6=-1) 0 points and Jericho gains (+6-5=+1) 1 point from that particular battle. This would effectively remove the problem of the most numerous factions gaining most points from every single battle like it is now.

That sounds nice, perhaps the system will be changed in the future. At the moment the win ratio has no effect on the gameplay so it has a lower priority.