Why you should use Recon now

made with:

Windows Movie Maker (so garbage at editing that even Microsoft PowerPoint is better, it just takes infinitely longer because it has trouble prerendering frame by frame, but at least it doesn’t have low-quality exports, encoding issues, can play more than 1 audio track at a time, and can actually edit individual frames rather than windows movie maker’s ability to edit every 3 frames or so, leaving parts that should have been cut out but didn’t get cut out because you couldn’t even see that there was a frame there that shouldn’t have been there until you exported it) - FREE (but hard to find a working copy unless you happen to have one from an old laptop because Microsoft stopped supporting this product)

Microsoft PowerPoint (ok at cropping, text generation, minor animations, and clickbait thumbnail creation) - FREE (for students, and probably comes pre-installed if you have windows OS)

Microsoft Paint and Pixlr.com (lackluster free image editing) - FREE (there are better alternatives that are also free but take time to learn)

OBS (pretty good recording) - FREE

Audacity (good at bass boosting audio) - FREE

don’t say you can’t make videos, just get some free garbage and do it

Recons are good.

That is a really nice edited video. Nice work you have done there.


2 hours ago, PapyMcBites said:

Microsoft Paint and Pixlr.com (lackluster free image editing) - FREE (there are better alternatives that are also free but take time to learn)

https://www.amazon.com/…/windows+10 I wouldn’t consider it free when it costs ~100$ ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

2 hours ago, PapyMcBites said:

Microsoft PowerPoint (ok at cropping, text generation, minor animations, and clickbait thumbnail creation) - FREE (for students, and probably comes pre-installed if you have windows OS)

Afaik isn’t preinstalled on Windows 10, only the Microsoft Note thingy, but there is Google Docs and Libre Office that can be used for free (and a lot other similar office suits that are free).