why u do dis

Its april 7th… and:



Not as funny without the face :wink:

Lol I would love that amount of data to download in 1hr 27 m,inutes ;p

Its april 7th… and:




Oh, wait, can we download it already? I preordered it months ago and I’d like to dl it asap to play it the day it launchs.

That’s like 9mb/s, be happy, i just download with 1,5mb/s even if my connection is 16mb/s.

So for me it would take this x 6…

Be happy!

You can also download this game with DVDs.


Guess how that is?


7. Whole. Discs.


The game is pretty large. I get about 0.9 to 2.0 mb/s when downloading games, even if my connection is MUCH FASTER. I would love for the big Star Conflict updates to download at 8 times regular speed. Yeah. I have 16 mb/s, and games don’t utilize that to the fullest.

I just want to play! xD

I will be gone from every game for quite a while once GTA V comes out.

That’s like 9mb/s, be happy, i just download with 1,5mb/s even if my connection is 16mb/s.

So for me it would take this x 6…

Be happy!

The game is pretty large. I get about 0.9 to 2.0 mb/s when downloading games, even if my connection is MUCH FASTER. I would love for the big Star Conflict updates to download at 8 times regular speed. Yeah. I have 16 mb/s, and games don’t utilize that to the fullest.


If your connection is 16Mb/s it’s normal that you download 1,5-2MB/s. Remember that when a company says “16 megas of speed” it’s mega bits and not mega bytes. 1 byte = 8 bits.


I have a crappy 10 Mb speed and I dl at 1-1,4 MB which is what should be.

Oh yeah. Forgot about the bit/byte thing.