Why try to balance on Tier?

I have read some discussion on balance issues.
Why would you want to balance on Tiers when you can balance on rating?
We just got beaten in a match like stealing candy from a baby.
No one in our team had a rating above 1250, most of the pilots had a rating between 1000-1100 (we even had a pilot with 900 rating), while the opposing team had a pilot with 1930 rating, two pilots with 1600+ rating and two pilots with 1500+ rating?
Why not balance on experience, rather than Tier?
Tier doesn’t say ****, experience does!


Edit: It would be the same as giving an 8 year old girl and Michael Schumacher both a Ferrari F50 and claim that they have an equal chance in a race.
Think about it!

It’s supposed to balance by pilot rating as well. but rarely works out. Curiously - it has a habit of putting me on the weaker team 5 games in 6. rawr


There are ways to handle high DSR players … they don’t like dying and most of the time pick on easy targets. So try not to make yourself too juicy looking.


If they spawn inties - you fly fighters and stick to a Guard. Or spawn guard if you have bodyguards.

If they play frigates - you fly gunship with Assault Rails or Singularity and stay out of trouble. Let Them Come To You deal.


If you are trying to level up your interceptors - avoid dogfights with them, they’re generally very skilled.

If you see them farming kills - go for objectives

If they go for objectives - you go pick off weaker targets they leave unprotected like that nub spamming LRF torps or the inexperienced Engineer who keeps getting left behind etc.



etc … many more things you can come up with to handle it. Mostly depends on your motivation at the time. Synergy? Credits? DSR? Win/Loss Ratio? Messing around with corp mates …

Those are some nice tips. But these high rating dudes are really a pain in the xxxx.
Even these tips won’t make a match more fair when one team has an average rating of 1100 and the other team of 1500.

That’s the thing I’m trying to say - you don’t need fair matches to get synergy. Unless ofcourse, it’s a small battle like 4v4 on certain game modes like Recon or Hunt. Still a pain in the xxxx but doable and … kinda fun shooting at big bad ships when you’re the underdog.

But these high rating dudes are really a pain in the xxxx.

I had a > 1900 guy on the opposing team once. Realistic. We were down to 3v3, I still had all my ships, he still had all of his, rest of them were down to one each. Then the server kicked me off and I thought great, that’s it. My ship got destroyed while trying to reconnect of course but then I reconnected just in time to see my team mates destroy one of theirs while their > 1900 DSR guy was busy self-destructing all four of his ships despite the 3v2 advantage they had at the time.

tl;dr: they will often run as soon as there’s a chance their DSR could take a scratch.

worth keeping a 900 DSR squad mate around just to scare them lmao

worth keeping a 900 DSR squad mate around just to scare them lmao


lmfao, you are evil. I like!

next I’ll hear [sM] tanking their collective DSR and becoming untouchable :slight_smile:

But these high rating dudes are really a pain in the xxxx.

Even these tips won’t make a match more fair when one team has an average rating of 1100 and the other team of 1500.

When i see my team having no clue what they’re doing… i’m giving up on objectives and start picking on enemy ships. What Kine (maybe) forgot to mention is that these guys pick you off even in the middle of your own pack - lock, shoot for test, kill if squishy or easy to hit, no matter the ship class in most cases. If you read around you will also find out that some (meaning most) of them fly in squads - when they are put alone they are plain awful pilots.

And all this comes from someone people think of as a rating farmer. I just don’t give a damn about objectives if the team is too dumb or doesn’t give a damn as well. When it happens i go trolling or killing people. Preferably trolling. If the team goes for the objective, i’ll be there as well.

tl;dr: they will often run as soon as there’s a chance their DSR could take a scratch.

Everybody knows DSR = epeen. The more they have, the more arrogant they are, the higher they stand and the bigger the fall.

If only killing them boosted your DSR by more.  I got a kill shot on lodbol the other day, at the time around a 700 DSR point difference between us.  I got a 7 point boost from the game.  I was shocked I got the kill with a plasma gun when he was getting targeted by five people.  For the week, he’s actually the top DSR rated pilot according to the ratings.


Does anyone know why ESB’s started going solo in T3 without a squad?  I’ve seen it a lot more since 0.9 than in the 0.8 days.

Does anyone know why ESB’s started going solo in T3 without a squad?  I’ve seen it a lot more since 0.9 than in the 0.8 days.

No idea. They’re most of the time in T4 ships. It’s funny to kill them and see them struggle to kill you back only to fail and be ganged by your other teammates.

Does anyone know why ESB’s started going solo in T3 without a squad?

Community service ?

It is surprising how different they are without a squad backing them up, including the mistakes.

If only killing them boosted your DSR by more.  I got a kill shot on lodbol the other day, at the time around a 700 DSR point difference between us.  I got a 7 point boost from the game.

But you cost him at least twice that many points and he will probably have to kill about 150 players with a -700 DSR difference to make that back (rough estimate).


Does anyone know why ESB’s started going solo in T3 without a squad?  I’ve seen it a lot more since 0.9 than in the 0.8 days.

Probably because T3 is more like T2 these days. Fun for solo pilots.

Does anyone know why ESB’s started going solo in T3 without a squad?  I’ve seen it a lot more since 0.9 than in the 0.8 days.



Community service ?

Good one!  :)wt


Main reason is the new synergy-mechanics. Not all of us have every single Ship, so If we want to try out new ones (in higher tiers) we have to grind the T2s T3s first, too. 


Just imagine what happens if a new faction gets implemented:

All competetiv corps rape the living xxxx out of newbies in T1. 

To be fair, you’ll zip past T1 and T2 pretty quickly. I unlocked Jericho after the synergy change and it took me only a few games to get them all to R7.


But it was funny though - to go back down there and read team chat … seeing people trying to figure things out etc.


Had a week old player freak out on me when I picked ECM as captain and him lecturing me on why choosing interceptors was a bad choice. Then in another game a couple of guys GG the team prematurely when they saw me rush for the enemy, again as captain. ‘Oh no, not another No0ob captain :facepalm’. hehehe … fun times.

I hate High DSR people, I hate me then. My DSR fluxs greatly, from 1300 to 1450! How does that make it fair? One could purposly tank his DSR on purpose to fly inexperienced people for money! 

One could purposly tank his DSR on purpose to fly inexperienced people for money!

For money? You do it for the tears, man, for the tears!

For money? You do it for the tears, man, for the tears!


There is 2 sides to this. One is that higher DSR players can be in a MM that “is ranked games” and another “Unranked games” while the second thing, that it can be easily abusable.