Why Kraken is even more unuseful than Archdragon?

Archdragon got unique weapon,unique mod and disintegrator’s DPS is more than Kraken.
i mean,we spent more time and money for a weaker ship,Is this balanced?


You can choose the slot layout on the Kraken, which gives it a higher damage potential. It has also acces to stronger Disintegrators and Guided Torpedos.

ADragon is Pure ELRF


Kraken, BDragon, GPU are pew pew boats

10 hours ago, Fox999999 said:

Archdragon got unique weapon,unique mod and disintegrator’s DPS is more than Kraken.
i mean,we spent more time and money for a weaker ship,Is this balanced?


No, it is not. To make this with even less logical than it is, any of the new modules, well, most of them, can’t be fitted on Secret Project ships!

Feels like a waste now, eh?

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

No, it is not. To make this with even less logical than it is, any of the new modules, well, most of them, can’t be fitted on Secret Project ships!

Feels like a waste now, eh?

No, not really. SP ships can still be fitted to how you wish to build them. So if you want a crit positron build you can do that. Want a pewpew coil build? Go nuts. Want a max range beam cannon because of course? Go ahead.


SP ships still have freedom of choice over other ships.

6 hours ago, Scar6 said:

You can choose the slot layout on the Kraken, which gives it a higher damage potential. It has also acces to stronger Disintegrators and Guided Torpedos.


3 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

No, not really. SP ships can still be fitted to how you wish to build them. So if you want a crit positron build you can do that. Want a pewpew coil build? Go nuts. Want a max range beam cannon because of course? Go ahead.


SP ships still have freedom of choice over other ships.

Increase DPS,reduce armor.increase speed,reduce others.
what ever you choose,it still had 9 slots,I do not call this is enhanced.


two long-ranges shot each other,by use disintegrators at 10000 meters away, Archdragon will only be damage about 1000 points,almost never get killed,when he got his unique capacitor module.
and disintegrators will not be enhanced by modules,only by the main weapon’s level.


they’d better delete Kraken.

5 hours ago, Koromac said:

No, it is not. To make this with even less logical than it is, any of the new modules, well, most of them, can’t be fitted on Secret Project ships!

Feels like a waste now, eh?

They obviously need unique modules.

and get disintegrator’s DPS back.

1 hour ago, Fox999999 said:


Increase DPS,reduce armor.increase speed,reduce others.
what ever you choose,it still had 9 slots,I do not call this is enhanced.


two long-ranges shot each other,by use disintegrators at 10000 meters away, Archdragon will only be damage about 1000 points,almost never get killed,when he got his unique capacitor module.
and disintegrators will not be enhanced by modules,only by the main weapon’s level.


they’d better delete Kraken.

This barely changes the ships capability in fights. In most cases where a LRF is forced to use primary weapons constantly enemies are always close so that depreciation of damage isn’t really going to happen at all, and even then should it do such a task that two to three enemies can’t kill you quickly enough then you’ll probably be pinged and attacked by the rest of the team.


Both ships have their merit still with Archdragon now being good at range as opposed to before the unique modules + modifiers and Kraken is and always has been an ideal gunboat.

23 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

This barely changes the ships capability in fights. In most cases where a LRF is forced to use primary weapons constantly enemies are always close so that depreciation of damage isn’t really going to happen at all, and even then should it do such a task that two to three enemies can’t kill you quickly enough then you’ll probably be pinged and attacked by the rest of the team.


Both ships have their merit still with Archdragon now being good at range as opposed to before the unique modules + modifiers and Kraken is and always has been an ideal gunboat.

What do you called “Archdragon now being good at range”?they are all long-range ship,If not for long-range shooting, who will choose them.
and they attack each other far away,always Kraken dead first.
Kraken is weak.

Just now, Fox999999 said:

What do you called “Archdragon now being good at range”?they are all long-range ship,If not for long-range shooting, who will choose them.
and they attack each other far away,always Kraken dead first.
Kraken is weak.

Archdragon was formerly ideal as a gunboat only, as it had poor survivability and was not ideal for crit builds due to poor synergy bonuses. It has only become durable at range thanks to the modifier.

Kraken you choose how strong/weak it is. If kraken is weak, then it is your fault.

34 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Archdragon was formerly ideal as a gunboat only, as it had poor survivability and was not ideal for crit builds due to poor synergy bonuses. It has only become durable at range thanks to the modifier.

Kraken you choose how strong/weak it is. If kraken is weak, then it is your fault.

Are we still talking about long-range shooting?

of course Kraken’s armor or shield gets stronger, but it also lowers his damage.
who will assemble the ship repeatedly for PvP and PvP,it’s going to take 6 millions for once.

but Archdragon can be strong with just one module.


Unless refit-ship is no longer spent moneys.

Just now, Fox999999 said:

Are we still talking about long-range shooting?

Of course Kraken’s armor or shield gets stronger, but it also lowers his damage.
who will assemble the ship repeatedly for PvP and PvP,it’s going to take 6 million.but Archdragon can be strong with just one module.

Since when did having Long range in the name mean it can  only  be used for longe range? In most cases LRFs are best utilised as high power gunships rather than snipers _ which is literally what I just said _.


Now let me say it for the final time.  Archdragon is good at long range now and okay at mid range. Kraken is good at close range and okay at longe range.


15 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Since when did having Long range in the name mean it can  only  be used for longe range? In most cases LRFs are best utilised as high power gunships rather than snipers _ which is literally what I just said _.


Now let me say it for the final time.  Archdragon is good at long range now and okay at mid range. Kraken is good at close range and okay at longe range.


No offense,when Kraken get killed by Archdragon,his last words just like that, “yeah,i’m good at close range fight.”.

12 hours ago, Tillowaty said:

ADragon is Pure ELRF


Kraken, BDragon, GPU are pew pew boats


5 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Since when did having Long range in the name mean it can  only  be used for longe range? In most cases LRFs are best utilised as high power gunships rather than snipers _ which is literally what I just said _.


Now let me say it for the final time.  Archdragon is good at long range now and okay at mid range. Kraken is good at close range and okay at longe range.




5 hours ago, Fox999999 said:

No offense,when Kraken get killed by Archdragon,his last words just like that, “yeah,i’m good at close range fight.”.

You know that those 2 are the top of the food chain and skills in LRF? TBH I don’t know better LRF pilot than them… Tillo’s sneaking actions during GMs events got him a legendary LRF status exactly for sneaking and shooting people close-mid range. 

These are the only two LRF’s that matter and these are the max DPS builds for these ships … no other LRF is as good nor EVER will be .



6 hours ago, niripas said:

legendary LRF status

I want this as title!

On 4.3.2018 at 12:57 PM, niripas said:




You know that those 2 are the top of the food chain and skills in LRF? TBH I don’t know better LRF pilot than them… Tillo’s sneaking actions during GMs events got him a legendary LRF status exactly for sneaking and shooting people close-mid range. 


On 4.3.2018 at 7:53 PM, Tillowaty said:

I want this as title!

Saw him in fighter-gunboats, lately( he killed me Wazzi ![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”) )

6 hours ago, avarshina said:


Saw him in gunboats, lately


![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

11 hours ago, avarshina said:


Saw him in fighter-gunboats, lately

You sure are lucky, look at all dem games I played http://ts2.scorpclub.ru/api/v1/userinfo.php?nickname=Tillowaty

I haven’t used LRF as pure long range for ages. It’s a lot of fun to sneak around under anti radar with big fire-power. Plus, all those manoeuvrable ships are hard to hit from long range.


If you know you are up against a strong long range sniper, you should change positions and stay near cover. Don’t just sit there shooting tit for tat until you blow up if you know the other one is stronger.


You should only be out in the open if you know what you’re doing and have reverse thruster to escape back to safe allied place or some sort of cover.