Why is grouping for PvP take so long

So, my corp and I have been grouping for PvP battles, just to wait for 10+ minute ques.We have like 4 days of game time played and only 14 hours in matches. We learned today that we can que at the same time and get into matches quicker. Although now we are not longer on the same team any more. Which this will now opens up another issue. I we can throw the game on either side just to power level each other. 


They need to fix this or our corporation just won’t be playing much longer. 

There are not enough squads in this game, that’s why it takes so long to get into a game. Nothing encourages players to do it.

People are leaving… I may leave, but I can’t or will I?


People are leaving… I may leave, but I can’t or will I?



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There are not enough squads in this game, that’s why it takes so long to get into a game. Nothing encourages players to do it.

Pretty much. The best way to start something is, well, to start doing it. If you announce in chat that you’re running a squad in PvP, others might be encouraged to fly against you.


Aside from fixing the matchmaker and letting asymmetrical squads fly against each other (which it should allow, aside from 4x vs none *coughSecConcough*) there is no better way to revitalize the queue than by being in one.

I agree with Hail. When PlDyn gets in a squad I announce it so other people will be encouraged to squad against us. If we don’t get a match within 2 minutes I ask a friend. Usually it’s some BoJ or GoD pilots.

No better way to start squad matchmaking than to be in a squad. Nevertheless, it would be great if developers did +1/-1 MM. That would greatly improve squad numbers I think.

Squadding has been restricted for quite a while, primarily because of high tier games. People didn’t like going into T4 / T5 games and getting a 4v4 with randoms on one side and a 4-man kill team on the other. Now the pendulum has swung too far the other way.


Squadding needs to be incentivised and rewarded, not punished.

You could try making two 2 ship squads.


This way you could get matched with each other.


I would guess that below T3 it would be hard to get another 4 pilot squad in queue.

I would guess that below T3 it would be hard to get another 4 pilot squad in queue.


hard to get one in any tier

  This weekend it was vertually impossible to get a 3man squad… It might have been the few times there were 3+ squads and they ran up against the BIG corps (you can insert the well known corps here ) time after time and it got old and discouraging and caused the said 3+ squads to disband.    


  It is not to say the BIG Corps should not play to thier capablity but sometimes the consequence is what we are seeing with the trend towards a “LOWER” player base.  

I think if matchmaking were to be changed so that it has a +1/-1 system, squads could much more easily find games. Add to this a system were two 2-man squads can face a 4-man, and you would solve a lot of problems with matchmaking. I personally feel that taking away squad matchmaking restrictions would encourage players to squad up. It’ll either send the message “Hey, we’re getting creamed by a squad over and over, we should squad up” or it will make them rage-quit, so in practicality, this isn’t the best option.


One thing is for sure though, there needs to be more incentive for players to squad up. I remember the days when games in any tier would be dominated by squads (2-3 squads on each team and only 1 or 2 randoms on each team).

Baby don’t hurt me

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I was going to say that :( 

Maybe make it +1/-1 with the exception of a 2-man squad. That way a 2-man squad can go into matches regardless of whether or not other squads are in the queue, but a 3/4-man squad has to go up against another squad.


It doesn’t entirely solve kill squads, but it does at least force them to go up against some level of coordination. You could always group your 4 players into two groups of 2 and hope to be put on the same team in the same match.


I was going to say that :( 


Maybe make it +1/-1 with the exception of a 2-man squad. That way a 2-man squad can go into matches regardless of whether or not other squads are in the queue, but a 3/4-man squad has to go up against another squad.

It doesn’t entirely solve kill squads, but it does at least force them to go up against some level of coordination. You could always group your 4 players into two groups of 2 and hope to be put on the same team in the same match.


It already works that way for 3-4 pilot squads.