First sorry for my bad english.
I’m a experienced pilot that enjoyed this game since this early year. In all this time i saw a loot of new goods changes in the game like the new game modes, more maps and the possiblity of create your own server to play with your friends… but sadly here are much more bad news than goods. I want to resume it for all the new people.
-Some months ago the game experience was more intensive… why? because you can choose more diferents weapons per ship, 2 diferents ammunations that you can switch in battle with diferents abilities and 2 slots for the secondary weapon like missiles or mines that you can also switch in battle.
-Some months ago all the ships of same level and type could use all the passive and active modules in existence, so you had a lot more for choose and configure your ship how you wanted. Now they are limited depending your ship.
At this point what i see is a game that started with a concept of gameplay and they removed features of the game. WHY NOT ADD? why remove things??
Now basically most of the people play with jericho ships specially all that have the DIFFUSOR SHIELD, a new hability that if you are motionless when you use it and 1 ship shoots you… you are invincible and wait that this ability is reloaded at 30 secs so what you see in a battle is fighting versus many invencible ships all time.
Is this new game experience much better than before??? the answer is NO. Updating a game in my opnion is add, fix… but never replace the whole game. Call this game then Star conflict 2 or a new name because this is not the game i remember.
Again i say thanks to devs for the cool new maps and modes but i prefer the old good game experience and play only in one map and one mode than this game experience with all maps and modes.
Thanks for reading