Why are there so few people playing the game?

Hi !

I’m kinda new but i’m gonna get straight, as the title, why are there so few people playing, or even knowing the game? I think Star-conflict is quite a fun game to play, but i think devs have not been putting up any big campaign to introduce the game to the public. As you may know: few players > game closed. So my question is does developers have any plan to make the game more interesting as well as marketing the game, or they just want to stick around with some core fans?

I’m not a native english speaker so my English may be quite bad, but i hope you understand :slight_smile:

Hi sir

More and more are joining each day. so hang in there it will pickup soon.

as the title, why are there so few people playing

Because some genius decided to invent downloader that use P2P without knowing much about P2P so everyone is stuck downloading WHOLE game each update with avg speed arround 10kbps. Like uploading something even to free hosting with fast bandwidth capability was impossible to do… instead they said they’re aware of the problem and we’re still stuck at downloading.

Yes, I’m mad.

The problem is that the updates are not incremental. Since the game uses single, large files, with no apparent organization (like a preformated compression file like a .HOG or a .VP). They need to add compression and decompression capability to the launcher so it can sift through the embedded files, and not have to replace the whole thing.

I think there is a language barrier, it seems that most people in the game are speaking russian, so casual player like me join the game, see a chat filled only with russian, wait for 1 hour to see if they can understand something and finally uninstall the game.

Even if the game is great, making new non russian player feel unwelcomed will probably keep the population low.

I’ll be playing as soon as i get confirmed that there wont be a wipe.

95% russian language is a bit annoying but i amsure it will even out over time.

about that russian language thing: propably when the game goes live it will get a new rule that ONLY english in general chat and few moderators to start chatbanning other language speakers… keeping the game in russian only is only a bad thing since it won’t spread worldwide that way.

The game will be aviable in english and in russian. Perhaps other languages will follow later. About the chat, it is open for all languages at the moment.

I enjoyed the game for 2 matches, The tutorial, and a test match. After that i went to PVP where the players used some kind of sniper weapon I don’t have and they wasted us . :slight_smile: still the only way to get exp and cash so i guess i will learn.

I enjoyed the game for 2 matches, The tutorial, and a test match. After that i went to PVP where the players used some kind of sniper weapon I don’t have and they wasted us . :slight_smile: still the only way to get exp and cash so i guess i will learn.

I’ve still got mixed feelings on the disintegrator (that sniper thing) myself. But you can actually get one quite quickly…you just have to buy the newbie frigate from the empire side. Drawing a blank on the name at the moment, but you don’t have many to choose from (two, I think at the start). A quick hunt here on teh boards will give you the name in just a couple of minutes.

Interestingly, it doesn’t seem so powerful when you have it. And you can learn to minimize it’s effectiveness…although it’s still a nasty opponent.

The game will be aviable in english and in russian. Perhaps other languages will follow later. About the chat, it is open for all languages at the moment.

It is open to most language but since most player are russians speaker it is natural that it would be mostly russian in the chat.

The problem is that it makes non russian speaker like myself run away from the game after passing hours in game and seeing only russian in chat.

Without a separate english chat channel I don’t think this issue could be resolved at the moment.

there were times when i saw the chat filled only with English. That said, i must confess that after dedicating so much concentrated time into this game, im getting tired of there being no update, and have stopped playing now. It takes TOO much time grinding levels, in addition to the amount of sniper+Smartbomb-tard players has put me off. I regularly check for news and all, but i dont think ill be back till an update comes out.

It is open to most language but since most player are russians speaker it is natural that it would be mostly russian in the chat.

The problem is that it makes non russian speaker like myself run away from the game after passing hours in game and seeing only russian in chat.

Without a separate english chat channel I don’t think this issue could be resolved at the moment.

there were times when i saw the chat filled only with English. That said, i must confess that after dedicating so much concentrated time into this game, im getting tired of there being no update, and have stopped playing now. It takes TOO much time grinding levels, in addition to the amount of sniper+Smartbomb-tard players has put me off. I regularly check for news and all, but i dont think ill be back till an update comes out.

much agree.

There should be separate channels for english and other languages. It’s important if they want it to be globalized. I just see all people talking russian.That makes me isolated and silly… Keep it in mind that it’s PVP game and communication is much important!!

I’ve only tried the game for a short time. I hope it’s well balanced between different player ranks, ship class and weapons. I’ve seen too many games collapsed just for the unbalanced designs making games boring and frustrated.

We need more people seeding the torrent file of the game.


My internet is limited, so I’ve uploaded only 1.4 GB so far. The more people seeding the faster we can get other players in.