And they wonder why so many players prefer to fly frigates with lasers. If you can’t hope to use the classes that rely on maneuverability for survival, your only option is to use the one that survives based on armor rating with hitscan guns.
On a side note, I often wonder how many of these elite Russian corps are actually as skilled as they appear, or if they are just blessed with the ‘skill’ of great ping.
You mean like all those ESB videos with less than 20ms ping? Or the complaints that anything over 50ms is unplayable?
Round trip I get a third of a second ping on the Russian servers. That means when I click on the lead marker my target has a third of a second to be somewhere else. For someone with 10ms ping, it’s trivial. Throw in weapon spread and if you have high ping it helps to have more spread.
Tournaments should be on the south Asia servers for one simple reason. Fairness. The SA players aren’t used to the low ping so won’t be able to handle it. The St. Petersburg players will rage at the horrible ping as much as the Americans. No one can play on them!