Who are you going to be in the future?


Do you want to know who you’re going to be in the future? Try **this test**and find out!


Star Conflict Team




Attacking Class


We recommend that you choose an attacking class (roles in the game: Gunship, Covert ops, Long-Range)! In the game, your objective is not prolonged survival, but inflicting maximum damage. You can fly into the thick of the enemies, kill everyone you can, and die a hero. You have the ability to deal sustained high damage, as well as the ability to survive in a critical situation. Under good cover, you become a formidable force to be afraid of!


Special Purpose class


We recommend that you choose a special-purpose class (roles in the game: Tackler, ECM, Scout)! You do not let opponents carry out a normal attack or defence. You interfere with your opponents in every possible way, hunt for weak enemies and track down prey. You also come to the rescue if you need to save someone. Your low speed doesn’t stop you from attacking the enemy from behind and sabotaging!