White Noise Jammer

The description of the “White Noise” Jammer would lead you to think it emits an “aura” that blocks ALL enemy ships within a 2000 m range of YOU from locking and following targets. Instead, it actually only jams ONE enemy ship from locking on anyone:


"Blocks enemy ships within a 2000 m. range from locking

and following targets for 12 sec."


I think it would be better if it functioned the way I thought it originally did, so I would suggest changing that it to do that, but if that can’t be done maybe an updated description would help make it more accurate:


“Blocks the target ship from locking and following targets for 12 sec. Target must be in range: 2000m”

blocking everyine for 18-20 secs is OP(mk3/ expected experimental) if they made it an AoE, it should be about 6-10 seconds insteadof 12-20. 


Edit: Using the in-game dev-assist tool(options > game) I have forwarded a proposed text change on the module. We will have to see if they change it or not.

It may be OP but it would be more useful that the current option. Presently the Ion Emitter is much more useful, it COMPLETELY disables a ship from doing ANYTHING except moving, whereas the White Noise Jammer just stops you from locking - an ability that is totally useless for anyone using laser weapons. Maybe while active, the 'ceptor can be totally obvious it is doing this, so enemies know who to shoot. 

It may be OP but it would be more useful that the current option. Presently the Ion Emitter is much more useful, it COMPLETELY disables a ship from doing ANYTHING except moving, whereas the White Noise Jammer just stops you from locking - an ability that is totally useless for anyone using laser weapons. Maybe while active, the 'ceptor can be totally obvious it is doing this, so enemies know who to shoot. 

I find the white noise just as annoying as the ion emitter, since I can’t use my targeted modules for far longer, and have to quess where to aim, making you 3/4 useless,  whereas the ion emitter is over quite quickly and then you are back to “normal”

Being not able to lock-on is a bigger deal than it looks on paper. Sure, lasers can still hit you due to their hitscan nature. Sure, it takes skill shots to hit you with any other weapon. All guided missiles and certain active modules require a locked target to function, and White Noise renders those useless, provided you’ve jammed the correct target.


Besides, aren’t there other modules that do wide-scale lock-on jamming? Like the IR Pulsar and Adaptive Camo?

Has nobody realized yet this module is the anti ecm?  All ECM modules are targeted abilities…If they can’t target anybody the only module they can use is their special.  Think of it more like a total 12-15 second shutdown for any ECM you use it on.

Has nobody realized yet this module is the anti ecm?  All ECM modules are targeted abilities…If they can’t target anybody the only module they can use is their special.  Think of it more like a total 12-15 second shutdown for any ECM you use it on.

I hate this module with a passion. Mostly because this IS an ECM module, not CovOps. It’s not quite a shutdown, as you’re still able to move, fire missiles and weapons, use modules… You just can’t use any offensive modules that require a target lock. I agree it’s the only hard counter to ECM Ceptors, but it’s not exactly something that stops them.



Besides, aren’t there other modules that do wide-scale lock-on jamming? Like the IR Pulsar and Adaptive Camo?

The Adaptive Camo hides you from their radar, you’re not jamming anyone, you’re just making yourself invisible to sensors.