While waiting for the fight...

So when you go and press “Fight” in game, and after some time you are picked one of the players to a fight, right? And then you think - “Oh poo… i totally forgot to equip extra stuff” (at least this is what happens to me). and so without your shields or rockets you think you may be too weak and decide to quit the fight, therefore having to wait for the fight to be over so you could equip some stuff on your ships.

So, my suggestion is… Maybe you could extend, or just keep that “Prepare for a fight” time and add this little window, where you can select your ship and quickly access “inventory” and get a last chance to equip some goodies on your ship.

I was told to feel free to give you guys any good ideas, suggestions, report crashes, so even if you feel like this is not a good suggestion, then please understand that I want only to help make this game better and more comfortable.

Agreed. Forgot to install rockest on my ship after login and oh no found myself rocketless in a battle. The should be a option go get at least some seconds if you found a game and still whant to change some equip or forgot installing it. xD

i think im agree about this… as long you has no more access to shop (only limited to item in your warehouse)… so stock up?

Glad to hear it, because I mean every time I log on, my equips are always unequipped… I don’t know whether this is a bug or it is supposed to be that way. but it certainly can ruin my chances in getting a kill or assisting others.

Glad to hear it, because I mean every time I log on, my equips are always unequipped… I don’t know whether this is a bug or it is supposed to be that way. but it certainly can ruin my chances in getting a kill or assisting others.

This is a bug at the moment so this problem should be gone soon;)

i always forget to equip rockets when i first come online each time and i start the game and get annoyed that i forgot to equip them and i always play first match without them:D

but as Error said it is a bug and they know about it already and will be fixed sometime soon till then wake up> enter game and equip the damn rockets before entering a match for first time (this last part was for me maybe i wont be so forgetful if i post it here till its fixed lol)

well… we supposed can use 15sec time before launch to re-check gear…

but well… idk… 15 sec still kinda too short for decent casual gamers…