Which term do you prefer: "Clan" or "Corporation"

Hello brave pilots.

The war between the factions is rising and we want you to take part in the developement.

Please vote for the term that you would prefere for alliances and say a few words about your choice.

See you in Space and don’t hit the asteroids :slight_smile:

i would suggest 3 differnet names since the 3 faction have different social structures (empire military, federation loose bounds, jericho families)

empire - something military maybe platoon / division?

ferderation - cooperation or initiative…

jericho - clan is just fine since it’s describe a stron family bound together by a leader / family head

empire - something military maybe platoon / division?

I think Division fit as a name very well. I’m totally into it.

Small group = squad (or squadron) and bigger group = division. Both linked to army and airforce.

i would suggest 3 differnet names since the 3 faction have different social structures (empire military, federation loose bounds, jericho families)

I dont think that 3 separate names is a good idea. If its name for a bigger group of pilots it most likely that they will be scattered in all three factions, many pilost use different ships, sometimes even all three factions at one time. How would you decide which category that group would belong? Also creating group with restrictions about faction they belong is likely to prevent freinds who prefer different factions from joining same group.

I think 3 different names won’t be possible. In the past the idea was that you can play in a Clan with players from different factions and this would be confusing.

I would call it Gang or something like, because if we are of the same faction or not we are all mercenaries. Mercenaries can also form a gang and together to be strong and organized.

I would prefer Corporation or another term.

Clan doesnt fit in a space game, it sounds more like a bunch of medieval babarians.

…Clan doesnt fit in a space game, it sounds more like a bunch of medieval babarians.

Totally agree

I think clan is good, its simple and not very complicated.

Hi error its me Worlock, we chat in the game today :slight_smile:

Corporations sounds like a big firm, guided by the influential people with lots of money. That could be said for the Empire, but not for Federation class, who are defenders of freedom. and I doubted that they will join anykind of corp. unless there own. OK I know that sounds kind of wierd but hey :slight_smile:

Hmmm Hello ya’ll …id say maybe Houses …as in House Harkonnen …or House house atreides or maybe house sidewinder

but its only my 2 cents …:slight_smile: Long live House Harkonnen death to all Freemen :bomber:

i like corporations, but they behave like a nation with their separate believes so what about corponations?

As an imperial I would prefer something military sounding like squadron.

i suggest we use clans as said for clan reasons and use corperation for times when allied clans team together