Where is the Mercenary Leader at Felony Border?

Seriously, I have no idea where he is.  :01313:

Also, the Pirate Leader in the Wastes is pretty elusive too…

Seriously, I have no idea where he is.  :01313:

Also, the Pirate Leader in the Wastes is pretty elusive too…

I suggest you use a recon with enhanced scanner to do that missions. It is way, way easier to find them.


Also, it is possible than other people have killed them while you were in there. They count as standard mobs also, and give good loot.

I’ve been buzzing the map in a recon even when I was alone. Never saw him.

Finally found him! He’s hidden away in a low corner of the map.


Two screenshots to help anyone else who is having trouble finding him.






For the search and destroy missions your target will always be solo. Just look for a solo ship trail on the edges of the map. Check all four corners and around structures on the edges. That’s where you will find them. If he’s not there most likely someone else just killed him.

Here a screenshot of the map post-253003-0-02802900-1415965563.jpg

For the search and destroy missions your target will always be solo. Just look for a solo ship trail on the edges of the map. Check all four corners and around structures on the edges. That’s where you will find them. If he’s not there most likely someone else just killed him.

That’s false.

For the search and destroy missions your target will always be solo. Just look for a solo ship trail on the edges of the map. Check all four corners and around structures on the edges. That’s where you will find them. If he’s not there most likely someone else just killed him.


Sometimes they fly in the middle of a squad.  It is quite hard to kill them then.


Why am I posting on a necro thread anyway?

For the search and destroy missions your target will always be solo. Just look for a solo ship trail on the edges of the map. Check all four corners and around structures on the edges. That’s where you will find them. If he’s not there most likely someone else just killed him.

Example: Processing Rig, Cartel Lieutenant. Flies in a group of four.



Sometimes they fly in the middle of a squad.  It is quite hard to kill them then.


Why am I posting on a necro thread anyway?

Good question.

Example: Processing Rig, Cartel Lieutenant. Flies in a group of four.

Good question.

you learned that through Finntel?

you learned that through Finntel?

No, I just remember that. Although that is a catchy name for it.