Where are all those people?



Where are all those people I’m keeping teased with this screen? (note: I waited about 5 minutes to log. Pvp battles were 5v5 max.)

Probably farming Pve or Open Space. Very few people want to play PvP anymore because of mixed tiers, and on top of that, the grind for these Wanted: Miss Summer missions is just ridiculous. 


But servers seem to have been having issues since the ninja-patch.


I waited 12 min to log in. Friend waited 15  :006j:

more server pls

Leaked photo of SC server  :01515:


same here, being queued on place 191 WTF?

It would be epic if people could host their own local servers. I have a server box at my place that really has no use as of now.

Also, if there were more servers located around the people that play the game, you’d have more people playing the game!

It would be epic if people could host their own local servers. I have a server box at my place that really has no use as of now.

Also, if there were more servers located around the people that play the game, you’d have more people playing the game!


That’s not how actual servers work

See, none of these servers issues would happen if the devs would invest in high-quality servers that can hold up to a few thousand people, I mean, look at War Thunder. Peak player count is over 100k, and their servers rarely have issues. This game is smaller yes, but even so, better servers don’t cost too much more, and would likely lead to more people sticking around, instead of quitting because of bad servers.

Well with the latest numbers from the one year anniversary announcement we get somewhat of a clue of how many (or better say how few) active players there are. As long as this doesn’t change I doubt they will invest more in servers or bandwith. The more I observe the state of this game the more I come to the conclusion that the only solution for it to continue is getting bought by a major publisher like Atari or similar which invests in advertisment and infrastructure, the current player base can’t carry it for a long time anymore I believe.

Well with the latest numbers from the one year anniversary announcement we get somewhat of a clue of how many (or better say how few) active players there are. As long as this doesn’t change I doubt they will invest more in servers or bandwith. The more I observe the state of this game the more I come to the conclusion that the only solution for it to continue is getting bought by a major publisher like Atari or similar which invests in advertisment and infrastructure, the current player base can’t carry it for a long time anymore I believe.


This game has already been bought by a major publisher, Gaijin. Gaijin however sees no reason to advertise this game, as Star Gem (the developers) are giving them very little reason (and probably little funding) to actually advertise this game. 


The first step in making a game worthy of advertising is creating a game that players will want to play for a long time, which currently isn’t the case. Far too many players try this game, buy their way to T5 because of the lack of tutorials, lack of communication, and lack of information about the game, and once they get to T5, they quit the game because they thought they could pay to win, when in reality, you have to spend time in all the tiers to get good at the game. This is something the devs did very well in beta, as the older vet pilots understand this, but the devs have forgetten about this and now the new players aren’t sticking around for very long.


As soon as Star Gem proves to Gaijin (and gives them the funds to do it) that this game is worthy of advertisement, I’m sure Gaijin will be more than happy. (Looking back on what I just wrote, it seems money is really what Gaijin probably would need to actually put together an advertisement campaign), and there is plenty of money coming in to the game from all the new players who buy their way to T5.


I for one would be perfectly fine waiting for major updates if I knew that the money that would have been going towards those updates was being put into advertisement (provided that bug fixes/minor balance tweaks were still implemented). I would much rather see an influx of new players who are going to stick around and help this game grow than to see constant major updates, but have very few people to share them with. 


As soon as Star Gem proves to Gaijin (and gives them the funds to do it) that this game is worthy of advertisement, I’m sure Gaijin will be more than happy. (Looking back on what I just wrote, it seems money is really what Gaijin probably would need to actually put together an advertisement campaign), and there is plenty of money coming in to the game from all the new players who buy their way to T5.


I doubt it. (Its just steam, lets say that we multiply x2.5 for Gajiin launcher, dunno about Arc)


Wow so there are numbers and they are pretty close to what I estimated based on the nr of missions done in one year. I feel like riding a dead horse…