When is a good time to go T2? And then, later, T3?

First off, I’m pretty newb, so take that into consideration. I’ve only played maybe 10 hours or so. My first account took me probably  3 hours or so to be able to fly a T2 ship; however as soon I switched I didn’t have the money to buy the t2 ship AND fit it (I’m stupid) and so I got my xxxx handed to me. My win ratio in T2 was 0 because I was just basically dead weight. I couldn’t kill anything, and just about anyone could kill me. On top of this, I Wasn’t making any more money or rep, so what was the point?


Anyways, I just made another account, and I got all 3 factions up to tier 2 (just in case) and have about 600,000k. I figured this would be a good time to advance, but is there anyone out there who waits even longer? Get your rep up to the highest T2 and then go? Does this happen again at T3? How do you get enough money to be useful?


Why even do new accounts o0 just keep at it, you are not forced to play on a tier just because unlocked it

You can adjust which Tier you will fly in, with the selection of ships in your active hangar (the bar on the left). You’re assigned to a Tier based on the highest Tier ship in there. So if you have two T1 and one T2, it will throw you into a game with T2 people. You can configure your active hangar via the ship tree. Right-Click the ship you currently don’t want to fly and select “Remove from Slot”. You can re-assign them later without losing anything. As a rule of thumb, I’d say earn enough money so you can fill all slots on the respective ship with at least MK1. That’s the cheapest.

In general when it comes to earning money, a healthy mixture of PVP and Scenarios helps with that. Scenarios come with great monetary rewards for some time investment. Upon success, you’re guaranteed at least a rare drop from the loot screen, which helps in decking out ships.

Why even do new accounts o0 just keep at it, you are not forced to play on a tier just because unlocked it


I was thinking exactly the same… why you would do that ? You just wanted to clear your stats? :lol:

Why even do new accounts o0 just keep at it, you are not forced to play on a tier just because unlocked it



I was thinking exactly the same… why you would do that ? You just wanted to clear your stats? :lol:

Actually, I had better stats on my old acct because my favorite ship was the harpy :smiley: PEW PEW PEW!


I took the T2 ship off my bar, and kept getting T2 games. Dunno why, but I tried just about everything to not be T2 anymore. I had already bought the ship, it’s not as if I just unlocked and was T2 automatically. :frowning:

you know you can return to tiers right ;d

but yeah t3 is alot different than t2 but you will still need to adapt even if you use the late tier3 ships instead of early tier3 ships (rank 7 compared to rank 9) ← honestly the difference is one module slot lol and the bonuses yeah… but thats for fed frigate treeline i’m not sure of the rest

What I do is not fly the next tier till I can fully load out my first ship and not just buy a ship.

Honestly, don’t move to the next tier until you have at least 1 well outfitted ship.

I did it the opposite, climbed as soon as possible and contribute as much as possible because the returns are higher at higher tiers, which means you get up to speed faster. If you just leveled, don’t try to front line, that is … unwise. What you do is either go ninja cap unguarded beacons or “understudy”. Find a T2 or T3 player and follow him around, help him gang up on enemies. Chances are, he’s going to be so glad of the extra firepower that he won’t complain you are killstealing. You ARE supposed to take enemies on 2 or 3 to 1 and having a wingman or 2 on co-ordinated assaults is one of the most beautiful sights in the game.


You can also help in other ways. Firepower wise, you will be sub par, but in terms of modules, all of them have more or less the same effect all tiers. Contribute with status effects or command modules. Ion Beaming an enemy for your squadron helps a lot and a Valkryie module will make up to your team in whatever firepower you lack.

i don’t have T3 yet but i think T2 is great while T1 sucks. The ability to heal yourself and other people (or on an interceptor or fighter: be healed by the frigates of your team) on T2 adds so much more depth to the game

Get yourself a Command role ship and fit it with support actives. Then learn how to cover most active friendlies with it while being in relatively safe spot yourself. I end up near the top of Efficiency board every fight I decide to do that - without shooting my weapon even once.
(Of course there are times when I get bored and go on a killing spree, hunt those pesky enemy snipers, or grab a hot potato and plant it on enemy’s beacon - but that’s a different story…)

Also, listen to the Lady…

Why even do new accounts o0 just keep at it, you are not forced to play on a tier just because unlocked it

When looking to move up to the next tier, save up 2 or 3 times the amount of credits it would cost to buy a ship. This will let you fully loadout the ship with modules when you buy it, making the transition easier.

my friend survived being a t3 capt with t2 ship wtfux

I do not advance in to the next tier until i have a fully-equipped ship.

Right now I am working on Tier 3 and I will make sure I have blue modules, or the tier right under blue modules before I move into it and play it full-time.

I had the same issue with T3, but all i did was outfit everything with MK1 items and slowly increased my money and rank for MK3 items. Remember ALWAYS keep equips that are overcharged and higher. 



Also Its wise to team up on players, If you see me in game (JPhack) follow me around, I rather let the newbs get the kill, rather than me with more than 120 hours of in game time. 

Win or loose, battles pay out more at higher tiers. Jump in that new teir ship ASAP and you will earn the credits for your improvements much faster than if you stayed behind.

Win or loose, battles pay out more at higher tiers. Jump in that new teir ship ASAP and you will earn the credits for your improvements much faster than if you stayed behind.

but only if you don’t die (too often)

but only if you don’t die (too often)


Hmm. At T1 and T2 I would regularly die multiple times a battle and still come out tens of thousands of credits ahead. Perhaps this becomes an issue if you don’t have an active license.