What's new?

I’ve been gone a couple months.  I quit the game and forums after I realized I spent a couple weeks with more forum posts than games played, and posting at home.  I have on extremely rare occasion played a match, but that’s it.  I’ve avoided the patch notes and soap opera of the game(I can keep a secret, I swear).  Since the semester’s done and I have 140 days of premium left since the six month sale, what’s been going on with the game, balance as well as politics.  I’m a little more fond of the political side, especially the deleted part.

no drama. forum is slow. queue times are long.


gameplay is good. probably feels better than when I last played.


Imbalances are less severe than how things were


Have a feeling open space is gonna change alot about SCon … hopefully for the better. I would hate it if we end up working a second job like we do in Eve though.


I saw you in-game not 2 days ago no ? wasn’t too bad was it ?

@Jrison, Game is taking a good direction, abiet very slowly at the moment. US Eastern times are seeing a all time low on weekends but other than long wait times, the game is in an “Okay” state. 


@Kine, Killed you yesterday! 

The low population is becoming a bigger problem than ever and that is not going to change in the next months. More players will leave because of tired of waiting and have better things to do in summer.

And the game release is still far away if I had to guess at least 3 months. 

we lost more players since last week? good matches we got but strongly need more people in queue


Also new ships added to jellyicho faction



@Kine, Killed you yesterday! 



I see my NA queues have lowered to below 350.  I’ve tried some PvE lately to try to regain some muscle memory of how I’ve polished the keys on my keyboard.  Kine, I’d noticed you’d rejoined, and left SM and joined NASA.  Based on logs, we did have a match where we were on the same team about a week ago.  At the same time, I apologize for forgetting how to play.  I might need some time.  I’ve been trying my luck at PvE minimize my losses to teammates.


The patches do seem minimal, and yet open space isn’t here yet.  A low playerbase is the greatest punishment in this game for the Americas.


Also, a T4 premium Jericho tackler?  Unless something major’s happened, T4’s for grinding through with PvE to get to T5 for Sector Conquest.  I haven’t been gone that long.

I went down that route. T4 PVE to get Sec Con ready. Purple T5 Engineer from Minotaur took 3 weeks.

Been queueing up in T4 PVP last couple of days and wait times are surprisingly short. Could be a phase though.

Also, a T4 premium Jericho tackler?  Unless something major’s happened, T4’s for grinding through with PvE to get to T5 for Sector Conquest.  I haven’t been gone that long.


While grinding through T4 for T5, I use only PvP. It has a sizable community, Q times are not high. And T4 ships feel good (although they are ugly as hell).

If thats the case I will ditch T3 and move up. I need to finish my Federation Line ups…