What weapons (if any) are good against static defenses?

When taking on turrets and such in mission modes, I find them taking a LONG time to kill at higher difficulties (though I am a newer player). This leaves me wondering if there are any particular weapons that are well-suited to killing turrets, stations, shield generators, etc.

Explosive weaponry deals more damage, I believe.

Other than that, anything with high dps will do. You could also use the Halo Launcher/ Photon Emitter combo.

26 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

Explosive weaponry deals more damage, I believe.

Other than that, anything with high dps will do. You could also use the Halo Launcher/ Photon Emitter combo.

Would a Coil Mortar count?

You can either go for something like a coil mortar for the sake of dealing explosive damage to the target as well as the closest thing to it or go for something like a beam cannon, lasers always have massive dps but succ on moving targets.

From what i tried, Thermal weapons deal slightly more damage compared to kinetic weapons.


These are what i would recommend for each general catagory, but do note they arent the greatest…

  • Phase Supressor

  • Ion Emitter

  • Heavy Blaster

  • Coil Morter