What the point playing Frigates ?

LRF is weak against any attacker, but I wouldn’t say it’s extremely weak against interceptors.  The better pilots tend to not bother attacking and the worse pilots die easily enough.


LRF in the right hands can rip through inty’s in seconds

^ this.


But a well-played Ceptor pilot (ie, RFB Recon), can ruin an LRF’s day. And the other way around, as well. It boils down to pilot skill, but the victor, in these cases, tend to be the Ceptors.

Engineer: correct, but it can’t stay alive of its own accord, other pilots need to protect it at all times.


Guard: Area denial. Denies propulsion, lowers enemy dps, AoE, anti-missile spam.


LRF: Long range area denial, it can keep enemy Frigates hidden behind rocks, but extremely weak against enemy Ceptors.

my styx says otherwise