What is the quickest way to gather positive karma?

Hi, someone already has a proven way to quickly gather positive karma?

Well I once saw a guy with his high rank ship (10 and above) camping near a cyber station, every time the cybers spawn, the drones will just kill them. He was using Engi ship. But for me I would just go around finding aliens and kill them.

I park my octopus by an enemy spawn point and let my drones eat them.

Kill pilots with Karma level -5.  :006j:

Kill pilots with Karma level -5.  :006j:

Yea, where they are?:slight_smile: by the way how many points it give?

kill omegafighter

isn’t taking down negative karma pilots possibly harder at start?

just guesswork, but i would estimate, that the larger part of negative karma pilots usually are rather good in pvp with the current population.

i could be wrong of course, but it seems logical, given that developing chars usually have no time yet for such pleasantries, and rather do missions, therefore have slightly positive karma.

kill omegafighter

I only have -80k, there are pilots with way less, and they are also easier to kill.  :004j:

Yea, where they are?:slight_smile: by the way how many points it give?

U get +240 points or something

why exactly would you want positive karma? im perfectly happy to stay at perma 0

go to outpost, find a cyber scout spawn, camp those poor cybers to death, stay there until karma rank 5.

why exactly would you want positive karma? im perfectly happy to stay at perma 0

only for achievement :slight_smile:

only for achievement :slight_smile:

Lol yeah. That’s the only reason I’m still getting pos Karma. I’m getting +5 then I’m gonna go rek all the peeps.

What build do you recommend for octopus in open space?

What build do you recommend for octopus in open space?

If you fight aliens, use EM resist all the way;

If you fight cybers, use Kinetic   (i think)

If you fight cartels, use Thermal (i think)

I’m like +3 or something from farming water harvest when the money was good.

The common way to get positive karma, pick a semi-secure spawn site and farm aliens until you go blind or insane. Still can’t figure out what is better, positive or negative karma tho…