what is the purpose of sectors?

Just started playing Star Conflict again after a year.  It seems like a lot has changed in the game and I had a question about sectors.  If I click on Attacked Sectors I can launch with any ship at “Station: New Eden” and go to various sectors through jump gates.  However, what do I do in these sectors?  All I seem to be able to do is fight Cartel Pilots and get a minor amount of credits and harvest fuel cells.  Is there another purpose to these sectors?

Daily missions for monocrystals, with those you can craft mk5 weapons (blueprints fot that are in attached sectors) and modules and the t5 secret project’s ships.

You can also get some pretty nice credits per unit time (roughly three times more than you get in PvE or PvP) if you get a spatial scanner and start picking up what are called “mysterious containers”.

You can also get some pretty nice credits per unit time (roughly three times more than you get in PvE or PvP) if you get a spatial scanner and start picking up what are called “mysterious containers”.




It’s not P2W, since you can get mysterious containers without spatial scanner or you can just join your buddy, who has it.

It would be P2W, if you could not share your cargo content with the other people and if you could only get it, if you own a Spatial Scanner.

Still, it’s very convenient way (P2G) pay to get or grind less, but not P2W!

He was being sarcastic.

He was being sarcastic.


You can also get some pretty nice credits per unit time (roughly three times more than you get in PvE or PvP) if you get a spatial scanner and start picking up what are called “mysterious containers”.


Normal containers can get you some great loot (especially in more dangerous zones). It’s not rare to pick up stuff worth more than 100000, fill you hull with them and you can get some nice income.  

Normal containers can get you some great loot (especially in more dangerous zones). It’s not rare to pick up stuff worth more than 100000, fill you hull with them and you can get some nice income.  

Yeah, but the income is even higher if you go for the mysterious containers. It’s great.

Yeah, but the income is even higher if you go for the mysterious containers. It’s great.


But they are few and far between and run a high chance someone else will pick them up first. They seem to respawn a lot more slowly as well.

But they are few and far between and run a high chance someone else will pick them up first. They seem to respawn a lot more slowly as well.

Mmm, good point. I only really farm invasion when it’s a low population time (US primetime), so I don’t really deal with other people picking them up much.