What is more important to you?



I want a lot of micro-patches to continuously refine the game, deal with balance issues and so on.


But I also want macro-patches; new missions, new ships, significant overhauls to poorly implemented or obsolete aspects of the game, etc.

I’d say PVE needs more maps and more diversity, atm PVE is sooooo boring.


Just to make the picture clear.


Hop into T3 fighter / Ceptor / Frigate ( preferably a frig for survival reasons )


Kill npcs ad nauseum hope the team is organized enough to cover each others backs


Pound boss / turrets / beacons … 


Rince and repeat and get almost always the same loot and creds even if you killed all that was out there to kill and performed well.



PVE needs to be refined and be a tad more rewarding ( but keeping PVP even more enticing and worth it then PVE )