What is maneuvering speed and are all the modules working correctly?

Update: Answers received, thanks Snib!


I’m going to start with this screenshot. Let’s take a look at a few things: My acceleration, my roll speed, my pitch speed, and my strafe speed.




Acceleration: 9.2

Strafe: 153

Roll: 55

Pitch 60




Now let’s look at the acceleration module. This adds 29.7% to my acceleration.




So let’s do some math and *predict* what the acceleration will be when we add 29.7% to it.


9.2 x 1.297 = 11.9 acceleration


Let’s see what we get…




11.9! Just what we would expect. This proves that this module works as intended, and my math/predictions are correct.


Strafe Speed


Now let’s try another module. This one adds 36% to my strafe speed.




So let’s *predict* what my strafe speed will be when I put it on.


153 x 1.36 = 208.08 strafe speed


Let’s see what we get…




185 strafe speed? That’s not what we predicted. That’s only 20.9% higher…


Maneuvering Speed


Okay let’s try another module. This one says it adds 6.8% rotation speed and 13.5% Maneuvering speed. 




Okay…so what exactly *is* maneuvering speed? I don’t see it listed anywhere on the ship stats. Let’s see what happens when I put it on, and find out which stat goes up by 13.5% Let’s also see if the rotation speed goes up by 6.8%, first by predicting what it should be:


55 x 1.068 = 58.74 roll


60 x 1.068 = 64.08 pitch


Here is what we get:




Okay so our predictions were right! The rotation speed (pitch AND roll) went up on both accounts by 6.8%! But what else changed? DID anything else change? I don’t see any changes.


What is maneuvering speed, and are all the modules working correctly?

Strafe speed and maneuvering speed are the same thing, it’s just a translation issue. The modules work correctly but do not stack with the FR5 implant which I assume you have (both implant and modules apply to the ship’s base strafe speed only).

Strafe speed and maneuvering Speed are the same thing, it’s just a translation issue. The modules work correctly but do not stack with the FR5 implant which I assume you have (both implant and modules apply to the ship’s base strafe speed only).

MY IMPLANTS! I Forgot about them! Thank you! That explains it. I just checked and yes, I have implants that affect these stats. Also, thanks for explaining that maneuvering is strafe. I see it now.

On 2/24/2014 at 11:05 PM, Snib said:

Strafe speed and maneuvering speed are the same thing, it’s just a translation issue. The modules work correctly but do not stack with the FR5 implant which I assume you have (both implant and modules apply to the ship’s base strafe speed only).

So many years have passed - and the same translation issue is in full blast. Do the devs even give a crap about this blunder? This type of thing only serves to confuse players, nothing more.
Strafe speed, Maneuvering speed, PICK ONE and go with it, fml.

Cool necro.

Also Options -> Game -> Translation assistance.




Then press alt + shift + ~  and click the text you think can be translated better.



Sometimes things like that are slipping through the translation process as both translation can be correct. That’s why this option in game exists - if you think translation can be improved - you can raise it to the devs.