What is going on with EU server?

As title says, what is wrong with EU server? I had 30-40 ping until last Friday on EU server and since Friday my ping on EU server is jumping from 40-350.

Ru server is working ok and it is same as always from 60-65, and US server is good too and same as always from 130-140.


So again what is going on with EU server??

Ah and I’m not the only one that noticed this.

12 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

As title says, what is wrong with EU server? I had 30-40 ping until last Friday on EU server and since Friday my ping on EU server is jumping from 40-350.

Ru server is working ok and it is same as always from 60-65, and US server is good too and same as always from 130-140.


So again what is going on with EU server??

Ah and I’m not the only one that noticed this.

Have you tried to diagnose your route to the server? I was playing yesterday on EU server between 6-8:30 PM GMT and had a stable ping of 27ms all the time. 

I still have this on EU server and I asked my friends and they say they have also awful ping that is jumping from 40 - 250




US and RUS server are normal.

I get ~30ms on EU.

26 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

I get ~30ms on EU.


yeah that was my usual ping but since last week I have problem with it


I finally got my usual ping back 40-44,

it is not how it was when I started to play this game 33, but it is much better than 350.

Thx if you have done something to repair this,

if you didn’t do anything just ignore this post.

I still have the same Problem, and I also posted a topic here.

MY currently ping, since the last Patch is always from 60-150~200 on a EU Server, what normally is 30-40. Some of my Clan members has the same Problems, so this is NOT a Router Issue. It is a Game Issue from the Gameservers.


It started 2 Days ago until now.

42 minutes ago, Anrhok said:

I still have the same Problem, and I also posted a topic here.

MY currently ping, since the last Patch is always from 60-150~200 on a EU Server, what normally is 30-40. Some of my Clan members has the same Problems, so this is NOT a Router Issue. It is a Game Issue from the Gameservers.


It started 2 Days ago until now.

stable 27-28ms for last two days… So it’s not game servers. 

Also: wrong section. Any connection issues should go here:

[https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/forum/84-launcher-game-client-and-connection-issues/](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/84-launcher-game-client-and-connection-issues/)

and how to diagnose such issues:


This is funny, right after servers restart I had my normal 32 stable ping after a long long time.

And the next login it was back to jumping 42-48 ping for me, so I do believe there are some problems with servers.

But I also have to say it does not affect my gameplay except that old hot joining problem where my game freezes for a half sec.

On 10/27/2018 at 12:46 PM, GatoGrande said:

This is funny, right after servers restart I had my normal 32 stable ping after a long long time.

And the next login it was back to jumping 42-48 ping for me, so I do believe there are some problems with servers.

But I also have to say it does not affect my gameplay except that old hot joining problem where my game freezes for a half sec.

Then stop guessing, start checking. Links to howto do that - in my post above. 

Joining freeze is caused by a necessity to read and unpack new ship on the map. It depends strictly on how fast your HDD/SSD is and how much RAM do you have. Nothing to do with network.