What happened to the promised trade feature?

I seem to recall that limited trade was supposed to be implemented on the 3rd. It is now the 5th.
And now I have heard rumors that it won’t be until the 17th with the next update.
That means that we will now have parts for special ships that will no longer be acquirable on that same day.
Parts that are labeled as being tradable will disappear and those of us who counted on trade to get needed parts
from friends and corp-mates will be left stranded and the limited gs spent to get those parts will have been wasted

Will trade be implemented before the 17th?
If not will the availability of the Dart and Gargoyle be extended?
Inquiring minds want to know.

I don’t know if there are other posts regarding this.
Searching the forum for trade gets a bunch of unrelated topics.





Too much wrong info at one place, you got it all mixed up.

20 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Too much wrong info at one place, you got it all mixed up.

So what did I get wrong?



Trade was mentioned a couple of times in streams and on forum coming late february, maybe sooner. 3rd jan was tharga release, 17th jan the xeno chips will be gone used for tharga stuff. Just to clarify it, anyways stay tuned for news and streams about it.

"Pilots! Only during the New Year holidays from December 20 to January 17 you can get ships with unique characteristics
— rank 10 Jericho fighter Dart and rank 10 Empire frigate Gargoyle. These ships have access to unique weapons,
active and special modules. Both ships are delivered with unique appearance. 

In order to assemble these ships you need to obtain unique resources — ship components,
which can only be found in the ‘Cyber-Santa’ bundle!  The bundle is available only from December 20 to January 17. 

We suggest you keep the found components in storage. They are going to be very much in demand, even after the holidays"

What we have here is a clear confirmation that what I said about those 2 specific ships and their parts is correct.
The Dart and Gargoyle will be gone on the 17th.
The parts bundles for those will disappear at the same time.
If the 2 ships can’t be built after the 17th then the parts are worthless.
A dart part can’t be used to build another ship can it?

And why the heck are the parts labeled as being tradable if we can’t trade them?

Will those 2 ships be available at a later date?
Or are we sc_ew-ed?

What exactly does “found components” mean?
We don’t “find components” for those ships.
They are bought or built. That doesn’t meet the definition of found.

I am looking for the thread where, when asked when trade would be available, Cinnamon said the 3rd.


Nobody says after the Dart and Gargoyle are gone, they can’t come back. Nightingale came back for one day.



We suggest you keep the found components in storage. They are going to be very much in demand, even after the holidays

This is a confirmation to anyone of keeping those parts for the future. It seems parts for those ships won’t disappear.

3 hours ago, Dastard said:


LOL i can sense the panic literally. Just relax, use the info i just gave you, trust me, i wouldnt tell you if i werent sure, as for the ships, they never go away, they just gonna be unavailable for some time and then open for construction. 

But we enter a new era of trade. It would be non reasonable to have everything in abundance. To start a trading system you need ships/parts in rather rare occurence. That’s why gold is much in demand than iron, its more rare.


On 7.1.2017 at 10:38 AM, Dastard said:

I am looking for the thread where, when asked when trade would be available, Cinnamon said the 3rd.

Let them have their NEW YEAR holidays, guys… It will start more dynamically tomorow!

S Novym Godom!


On 7.1.2017 at 10:55 AM, ntboble said:

Nobody says after the Dart and Gargoyle are gone, they can’t come back. Nightingale came back for one day.

This is a confirmation to anyone of keeping those parts for the future. It seems parts for those ships won’t disappear.

I would say, players can trade the parts and build their Dart after 17th. January, in other words the option to build would still be their, only the necessary (‘currency’) Dart parts will be on the new market, only.


On 7.1.2017 at 1:46 PM, ORCA1911 said:

LOL i can sense the panic literally. Just relax, use the info i just gave you, trust me, i wouldnt tell you if i werent sure, as for the ships, they never go away, they just gonna be unavailable for some time and then open for construction. 

As said above, rareness of part of highly sought after ships would make sense for the start of a new trading system.




I dont get the 2k13 topic.


1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

I dont get the 2k13 topic.

… most xmas presents are only to be brought back and switched for desired ones … ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)

I think its a matter of right moment but that is as legit as my thinking lol