what gets more synergy?

as title, I keep getting mixed answers. I grind synergy with premium ships to get the best free synergy bonus, but do u get more synergy with high rank ships or does it not matter?

I was told u get more credits with higher rank, but do u get more synergy too?


thanks <3

generaly if you are grinding synergy you want to do it in ships that do not have their synergy maxed, premium ships all start at max synergy level, so although you are getting more free synergy, you are missing out all the normal synergy.  And you get much more normal synergy than free synergy, even with premiums ships higher free synergy values.  you know unless you are spending the standards for synergy transfer, but thats generaly considered not worth it (as in far too expensive for the amount transfered)

well I feel like a real fool now, I completely forgot about the normal synergy and only thought about the free synergy. ive been doing transfers instead, sigh thanks

The problem with non-Premium Synergy grind is that… it is incredibly slow. It turns into a real grind. The best ships to grind Synergy with are the Pirate DLC ships. You just gain ridiculous amounts of normal Synergy and 20% of that is Free.


Comparison: Swarm vs Sai. (taking into account I have a License and DLC bonuses)


I get roughly 10-15k Synergy on the Swarm. The Sai gets a massive 50k average. Both those ships are maxed Synergy, so that’s an extra 20% from both. You do the match on which is the better one to grind with.


Obviously, if you have neither Premium nor anything else, it’s better to just grind non-maxed ships to progress further in the tree.

Oryngton, i noticed something weird aswell with other maxed ships. When im playing with a T3 ship and do some amount of kills and assists, and perhaps some objectives, it gets lets say 10k syn. With my maxed out phobos if i xxxx in battle i get 20k syn. I think theres some weird mechanic to increase synergy gain on maxed ships to make your fingers itch to spend GS.

Oryngton, i noticed something weird aswell with other maxed ships. When im playing with a T3 ship and do some amount of kills and assists, and perhaps some objectives, it gets lets say 10k syn. With my maxed out phobos if i xxxx in battle i get 20k syn. I think theres some weird mechanic to increase synergy gain on maxed ships to make your fingers itch to spend GS.

Huh, yes, lower Ranked ships in the same Tier get more Synergy. Also, you have to take into account Licenses, DLC bonuses, first daily match and Synergy level of the ship itself (I think it plays a role in gaining Synergy, it does seem that way, tbh).

I get around 5-6k free synergy on Superkite from battle with licence and 47% fleet power.

On T2, when make a killing i got max 16k with 1 ship (sniper), and about 13k with tackler or gunship. But interceptors is much harder to aquire 10k in a battle, mostly i get 5-6k too. (But i blame my poor skills in flying inties so i vary a lot, sometimes i kill a lot, and score a lot, sometimes i get very low scores and kills).