What experience is for?

Hey guys, i just realised i dont know what experience is for.

I mean for ships and implants its reputation.

For modules unlocking its loyalty.

So what’s the utility of experience?


Ship synergy I believe.

Used to be a full skill tree, but they changed over to the implant system.

Really? So the jericho bonus is completely useless?

It’s not useless. It can get you from zero to full synergy with each new ship faster than normal.

Plus they plan on adding a use for experience later one, so keep accumulating it unknowingly!!!

Experience is stored for some of the next major updates. No more detailed info yet.

It’s not useless. It can get you from zero to full synergy with each new ship faster than normal.

Sorry, i mispelled it, its like useless.


Experience is stored for some of the next major updates. No more detailed info yet.

Kk, good to know.