What does the Previous User's Nickname say to You?

A lady (?) with enough sweetness to cause diabetes.

The captain of the Star ship Damrey.  

The lost alpha male from my farm, so this is where you were! Get back to your guard duty xP

a non-corporeal entity.

11-th generation of a bird

v0k makes me think of invoke which makes me think that he wants me to invoke what he means by not having a avatar but he didnt include the in- so he just wants to voke but he got lazy and then decided to spice it up a little by dropping the e and using a zero for an o


O-ring tone → gasket tone → gasket color → omg…



The first Diego. On Ice Reef map. I think it fits. See what i did there?


ROFLMAO, dying laughing here :))

Glad I made your day  :)wt

Reminds me of the starter ship for pardus

Codebot… you’re a programmed bot designed to program… Paradox…

A spontaneous, hiccuping hyena. 

You are the Custodian of Challenges, a Temujin to your own pocket of the universe. Do your foes go where eagles dare?

Powerrrrrrrrr :3

Mans’ best fiend gone wild.

You twiddle your thumbs.