What do you consider a good Corporation?

What do you consider a good Corporation?


Simple yet vague. Answer to your belifes, with respect.


This topic is intended to see peoples point of view on Corporations in general on Star Conflict.


Please do not mention specific in-game corporation.


Please avoide comparing actual in-game corporations.



We all have the right of expression be sure to respect and honor everyones opinions.

Friendly, competitive (not to the point where they become elitist pricks), able to put up with each others antics in the matches, active… that’s pretty much it.

I believe a good corporation does not try to stand out by turning an obvious aspect which applies to *all* corporations into something they believe is the thing which really sets them apart.


A good corporation will also evaluate and realise the communication methods and interactions utilised by the existing community and follow suit as to be compatible with the community. It does not try and differ itself purely for the sake of being different, without actually offering core values that are significantly different, unique or otherwise hold true value.


A good corporation values quality over quantity, values people to the point of knowing their name rather than their DSR or their number within the roster. A good corporation fosters and nurtures talent, friendships and long-term interaction which goes way beyond the game it was established in.


A good corporation, feels like home.

This is great thanx.

A good corporation has a vision that they strive for and an image to protect. They have an understanding that their actions reflect an entire group of individuals and are aware of their presence in the community. Their members could be anyone, but the leaders – CEOs, officers, and other spokespeople – must uphold corporate and community standards.


A good corporation goes beyond the game while still realizing people play to have fun. They provide an environment that enriches the gaming experience, a place of gathering amongst comrades. They are welcoming, but have firm opinions on where they stand regarding issues that may be present in the community. They are willing to discuss, to negotiate, and recognize there can be compromise without assimilation.


Ultimately, a corporation may just be a name, a tag, or an icon. But a good corporation will have a legacy remembered fondly by the people who were part of them.

A corporation cultivates like interests among a group of players. A corp that promotes skills and expounds on it is great! 

I wanted to give names :frowning: and everything is said avobe so… 


a good corp is the one who has at the same time serious players and good mates to have fun in the game.

A good corp has leaders and officers that will bend the rules to selflessly help others. Something, That i work on daily. 

I’d say it’s pretty simple; a good corp is one that makes the game more enjoyable by their existence. A bad corp is one that makes you want to walk away from the game.

I’d say it’s pretty simple; a good corp is one that makes the game more enjoyable by their existence. A bad corp is one that makes you want to walk away from the game.


I can remember a couple of corps that did this, and one partially collapsed…

Generally speaking, I consider any corporation willing to make me an officer a great corporation because that suggests to me they share the same values that I have.


If you wanted more specifics: Integrity, a sense of humor, respect, and a willingness to invest in other players. Grow the team.

And an officer with a nice mustache

From a more abstract (constructivistic) perspective:

A Corporation purely consists of communication. Tag, Game, Logo, etc… are completely irrelevant for its existence, as long as the communication continues. 


So, a good Corporation  cant be a corporation, that doesnt communicate: that includes nonverbal (chat, even pinging) and verbal communication.

Also a good Corp, doesnt exclude Members from the Communication as Members exclude themselfs.

It follows that (in Game) in a good corporation everyone is willing to communicate with each other Member and is also willing to squad up with him.  

So, a good Corporation  cant be a corporation, that doesnt communicate: that includes nonverbal (chat, even pinging) and verbal communication.

Also a good Corp, doesnt exclude Members from the Communication as Members exclude themselfs.

This is so important and I think a lot of squads in all corps ignore it.  Communicate with your teammates!  If I know the squad will go to one location next, I’m more likely to follow since I know I won’t be the only one going to a beacon.

A good Corporation is one that has fun playing together. Period!

A good corporation is one that actually has members that everyone calls friends. Where everyone can be themselves and laugh and cry together.