What are the "hidden" keyboard shortcuts (like ping beacon)?

You ping with pressing num3 or double R, thats fine, but people ping currently unpingable (by the mentioned means) beacons all the time. No key for that in keybinds. Its a very handy feature in beacon hunt, so how to?


Also what are the other ones that are hidden and may be useful?

All beacons are always ping-able, also via map or through the asteroids / other objects. You just have to remember where they are.


Both if the map is dark so you cannot see the small dots representing the beacons, or if trying to guess where the beacon is behind that asteroid from this angle (frantic clicking ensues until it hits).


It is true though, there are some other “hidden” key-bindings, like the one that hides the GUI.

On the map - Hover the mouse curser orver the target you wish to ping and hit the number 3 key on your numerical keypad

In game - Hover your aiming indicator over the target you wish to ping and double press the middle mouse button (Wheel) if you have one - this locks onto the target and pings it for everyone to see


To ping targets that are not currently highlighted (Beacon due up in a few moments etc ) You need to know roughly where it is on the map to ping (Just because it isnt highlighted as the next beacon does not mean you cannot ping it) This follows the same as above - hover your mouse / aiming inidicator over it and ping !

  1. go to your key binds in the menu and set ur SHOW MAP key to something easy like tab , so u can see the map


2.hide or be in a safe place


  1. use your SHOW MAP ( u cannot move while using it)


  1. and use your ping key in the space where u expect a beacon and u will ping it if its there so a little guess work and ull find them, thats for beacon hunt, in domination they will be shown in the show map interface and u can ping em easily, or ping them if u can see them in your HUD



  1. here is a link to the maps




click on the little boxes in the “click to enlarge” box and u can download the maps and remember where beacons are


dont forget to +1 if u find this usefull 


All beacons are always ping-able, also via map or through the asteroids / other objects. You just have to remember where they are.


Both if the map is dark so you cannot see the small dots representing the beacons, or if trying to guess where the beacon is behind that asteroid from this angle (frantic clicking ensues until it hits).


It is true though, there are some other “hidden” key-bindings, like the one that hides the GUI.

wt are those hidden keys , u shuld enlighten us in a thread

Alt+H hides the interface in combat - this is one of the hidden.

Another is V to show all health bars on current display in combat.