We've just scored +1 kills on Combat Recon with 20 seconds left on the clock?


lol i have had that moment before

Well you get it in the first seconds of you batlle… either your team is brilliant and your captain is wearing his brain cap… or its  a total clusterfrak… and then you will just get steamrolled in unser 2 secs and have the privilege to watch the game from the spectator pov. 


Unfortunately not all players wear their brain caps at all times… so there we have it. 

The loss i hate most is EMP Bomb with “the other team has picked up the bomb more often”


Only happened once, dunno if its still a condition.

Did you know that you cant win when enemy score is reduced to 0, so it must be -1(still displayed as 0) for winning. Or its probably a miliseconds thingy that can cause it to remain 0.01 etc. you have to reduce that to exact 0 for win.

The loss i hate most is EMP Bomb with “the other team has picked up the bomb more often”


Only happened once, dunno if its still a condition.


It’s a miss-print. In a tie it isn’t who has picked up the bomb more often. It is who is holding the most bombs at the end of the game who wins.


This is why you see ships grab the bomb and head off to camp.