Welcome Kotory

Welcome to Star Conflict and see you in space!

Ah, my cover have been blown by Peter  :01515:  

+1 for martian music.

The internet is a strange and weird place…Yet somehow kinda amusing…

Does this mean you’re going to be reading through our bitching and moaning on all the threads that go off topic?  I haven’t checked yet, but yesterday the ESB and NASA recruitment threads were talking about a possible singularity glitch.


Error’s half given up on keeping threads on topic I believe.

And I don’t know her exact task, I imagine it is to try to get some form of contact between the devs and the english forum community(Read: Forum Warriors)



Sometimes he does :stuck_out_tongue: Though honestly, we are keeping the nasa and esb threads on the top of the “Show new content” list so we are kind of advertising their thread while going off topic :wink:

And the derailing, well, otherwise those threads would just die off again heh.

心配しないでください  ;)wt

I’m quite capable in English. Still not perfect in grammar but will imrove soon.  :yes_yes:

So, no cyrillic here.


otoko no namae wo name-shitakunakatta ka

no one asks your gender or your race when you name yourself a manly russian name like Yurka!



otoko no namae wo name-shitakunakatta ka

no one asks your gender or your race when you name yourself a manly russian name like Yurka!

I still only see you as a prinny.



I still only see you as a prinny.

No one ingame will ever understand why I use the suicide module so often.

No one ingame will ever understand why I use the suicide module so often.

It all makes sense now. Why didn’t I see this sooner!

It all makes sense now. Why didn’t I see this sooner!

1 HL covers all repairs dood!


Sweet, another person’s post that I will stalk. Not in a weird way. Just want to siv through all the QQ in the patch notes.

Hell yeah, I got a stalker! 

Wait, seems it isn’t the thing I should be excited about.

Welcome to Star Conflict and see you in space!

Thank you. I should realle increase my skills. Sinse I represent dev team now.  :smoke:


Does this mean you’re going to be reading through our bitching and moaning on all the threads that go off topic?  I haven’t checked yet, but yesterday the ESB and NASA recruitment threads were talking about a possible singularity glitch.

Maybe I woildn’t take part in many conversations. But I’ll be there. Watching. Silently.  :009j:

No one ingame will ever understand why I use the suicide module so often.

Oh you… I hate your entire race.