Weapons Feedback Form

Feedback form for another discussion. [Read this first.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20668-new-weapon-tweak-discussion/)

Discussion goes there. This thread is to collect the form feedback only, to keep things clean.




Pulse Laser

What Do You Think Is The Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Shrapnel Cannon

What Do You Think Is The Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


RF Blaster

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Plasma Gun

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -





Singularity Cannon (Broken - ignore)


Gauss Cannon

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Ion Emitter

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Assault Railgun

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -




Coil Mortar

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Heavy Blaster

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Positron Cannon

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Laser Assault

Intended Function? - 

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -

Singularity Cannon is not broken in my opinion, i like it.

Singularity Cannon is not broken in my opinion, i like it.



Coil Mortar

Intended Function? - Medium Range Artillery

Does it work? - Somewhat, but spread and range is a bit high

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? - Keep

If replace, New Intended Function? -


I really enjoy using this weapon, but it can be horribly useless in some situations and very powerfull in others.  In maps that are open and spacious, this weapon is basically unusuable.  You simply can not hit anything with that much spread and projectile speed.  Where the map is close and tight, suddenly you are able to hit everything because you only need to hit near the target, not on it.


Maybe this effect is intended, but at this time I’m unsure of what could be done to improve it as I do not know its really intended use.

Frigate pilot here, glad to be the first.

I will only work on the Frigate part.

Frigate: What’s the role of frigates, in term of damage?, we need to ask Dev on this matter.

Coil Mortar
Intended Function: with the same range with kinetic damage and splash, it seemed to be designed to go on a pair with BBB suitable for engaging in mid-close range, competing important positions, or to take down frigates, this also explains why it has such high spread (2.0).
Does it work? It works for what was intended. Also a suitable build is needed for it to be able to adapt to more situations.
If no, Why? Still need to see how they will change BBB. .
Keep or Replace? Keep.
If replace, New Intended Function? A few small changes in figures.

Heavy Blaster
Intended Function? Not sure, seems to only work on big, slow target (obviously frigates) again.
Does it work? not really, DPS is not that good.
If no, Why? What the heck is that barrel turn rate for?

Keep or Replace? Replace
If replace, New Intended Function? free  barrel turning rate, maybe?

Positron Cannon
Intended Function? Hail plasma, is that you?
Does it work? so so
If no, Why? that barrel rate can be annoying sometime, again, not very good in dealing damage from afar, and useless in close range.
Keep or Replace?
If replace, New Intended Function? -

Laser Assault
Intended Function? Assault lasers with longer range (its new name is Beam canon btw), nothing more.
Does it work? DPS is bad, it works, but not too well.
If no, Why? 
Keep or Replace? 
If replace, New Intended Function? change how lasers damage mechanic work, maybe?


From what I analysed, frigates were designated solely for the role of long range support fire in term of weapons. With the removal of mine, they are so vulnerable at close range now, and whether if they are able to fulfill that designated role or not, is a big question.


And from my experiences in most MMOs I’ve played, long range support fire is always good in term of damage, sometime deadly, Artillery in WoT for example, Artillery have to pay the price when someone gets close to them, Frigates have the same fate.

Singularity Cannon is not broken in my opinion, i like it.


This is a serious thread pls dont troll.

Gauss Cannon

Intended Function: Pretty good, looks like a type of a Railgun.

Does it work?: Yeah but the sound isn’t good, it sounds too weird.

If no, why?: -

Keep or Replace?: Keep.

If Replace, new intended function?: -


Coil Mortar

Intended Function: Grenade Launcher :P.

Does it work?: Yeah, but the weapons name isn’t the style to this weapon.

If no, why?: -

Keep or Replace?: Keep.

If Replace, new intended function?: - 

This is a serious thread pls dont troll.

WTF where did you see that i’m trolling? I just said that i like it and it is not broken in MY opinion.

Shrapnel Cannon

It´´s like the old rapid fire rail (but weaker) high alpha, needs good aim, spreads a lot. 

Does it work?  yes, its better than the old one, since not so OP

Keep or Replace? - Keep

RF Blaster

Intended Function? - Normal RF plasma

Does it work? - no

If no, Why? - projectiles are too slow (even with booster mod), overheats in no time

Keep or Replace? - replace

If replace, New Intended Function? - same, but with far less overheat

Plasma Gun

Intended Function? - Assault Plasma gun medium range, medium dmg.

Does it work? - no

If no, Why? - projectiles are too slow (even with booster mod), spread is REDUCED while firing (very odd)

Keep or Replace? - replace

If replace, New Intended Function? - old assault plasma was fine, inties need a weapon with mid-range

Another thing I realize is: the intentions of Frigates weapons are for long range support, yet they are designed to be most effective on frigates, who will always try to hide behind covers and objects, thus greatly reduce the use of Frigates weapons.

Another thing I realize is: the intentions of Frigates weapons are for long range support, yet they are designed to be most effective on frigates, who will always try to hide behind covers and objects, thus greatly reduce the use of Frigates weapons.

If you take the coil mortar.   Then shoot the beacon.  You will hit half of the intercepters circling the beacon :yes_yes:



Pulse Laser

What Do You Think Is The Intended Function? -  Rapid Dps with lower dmg than kinetic or energy weapons to compensate for the higher fire rate

Does it work? - Nope

If no, Why? - Overheats way too quick to deal dmg worth a damn and removal of blue dmg mod doesnt help against shields enforcing me to rely on emp dmg rockets for bringing down shields which are ineffecient compared to former usage(Actual method takes too much time). Its been my favorite on Gunship before the change. Also this should be the one firing in bursts, not the Rapid Plasma.

Keep or Replace? - Keep and improve

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Shrapnel Cannon

What Do You Think Is The Intended Function? - Space Shotgun with high dmg on hull. Ideal for bringing down targets after their shields have gone down. A real team-work weapon.

Does it work? - Yes

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? - Keep

If replace, New Intended Function? -


RF Blaster

Intended Function? - Dubbed as ‘Minigun’ in reference to UT3 due to similar projectile and feels. The missing factor of increasing spread overtime has been added in.

Does it work? - No

If no, Why? - Firerate changed to be in burst much to the favor of the recently moved Pulse Laser reducing the uses of this weapon. It should fire in a continous stream again.

Keep or Replace? - Keep and improve

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Plasma Gun

Intended Function? - Not tested yet. Used to be basic plasma weapon.

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -





Singularity Cannon (Broken - ignore) NO COMMENT


Gauss Cannon

Intended Function? - Not tested yet.

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Ion Emitter

Intended Function? - Introduced as a replacement for the moved to interceptors Pulse Laser. Its promoting micro due to increased dmg as it heats. Heat it up then fire in short bursts combined with aiming overcharge and berserk for maximum efficiency, perfect for gunships.

Does it work? - Indeed

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? - Absolutely keep

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Assault Railgun

Intended Function? - Didnt test yet. I assume its the same as before. Your standard ranged Kinetic weapon. Most players discard this after hitting Tier2 due in dire need of something anything better against shields.

Does it work? - Naah

If no, Why? - Needs to hit harder on hull.

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -




Coil Mortar

Intended Function? - Mid range support weapon with area splash dmg against clustered up foes. However i use it more to dmg big targets quickly down after shields have been brought down by allies. I assume its range can be increased using certain ship enhancements in higher tiers to become truely a mortar. (Tested in Tier2)

Does it work? - Yes

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? - Keep

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Heavy Blaster

Intended Function? - Long range lazor firing in bursts with a nice bonus: Speeding up fire-rate as you clickhold.

Does it work? - Works

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? - Keep

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Positron Cannon

Intended Function? - Didnt test yet. I assume its the new Long range Plasma.

Does it work? -

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? -

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Laser Assault

Intended Function? - Formerly basic Laser. Same as before. A continous stream of DoT you can keep on a small target for contributing to firefights rather than being weaponless at all.

Does it work? - So so

If no, Why? - Well with the removed blue dmg you could contribute in reducing the shield regen of a target that is desperately trying to break away of a gank by teammates.

Keep or Replace? - Keep and improve, somehow.

If replace, New Intended Function? -

I have not flown any frigates, so I can’t say anything on their weapons.




Pulse Laser

What Do You Think Is The Intended Function? - Close range fire in small bursts

Does it work? - Kinda

If no, Why? - 3 seconds to overheat with 2 seconds to cool down means 60% uptime in 5 seconds, poor synergy with Orion on CO

Keep or Replace? - Keep with some tweaks

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Shrapnel Cannon

What Do You Think Is The Intended Function? - Carefully aimed close range burst damage

Does it work? - Yes, too good

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? - Keep with tweaks, too strong

If replace, New Intended Function? -


RF Blaster

Intended Function? - Being unable to hit anything

Does it work? - Yes, if you accept that being unable to hit anything is its intended function

If no, Why? - You probably want to hit with your weapon, huh?

Keep or Replace? - Replace

If replace, New Intended Function? - Rapid fire singularity with less damage and smaller projectile diameter?


Plasma Gun

Intended Function? - Continuous fire at high heat, pauses to avoid overheating

Does it work? - No

If no, Why? - Too bothersome for little effect, better alternatives

Keep or Replace? - Replace

If replace, New Intended Function? - Back to before 0.9 patch, accurate long range weapon choice for intys





Singularity Cannon (Broken - ignore)


Gauss Cannon

Intended Function? - Long range burst damage

Does it work? - Yes

If no, Why? -

Keep or Replace? - Keep

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Ion Emitter

Intended Function? - Continuous fire at high heat, pauses to avoid overheating

Does it work? - Kinda

If no, Why? - Range too short, can be effective though

Keep or Replace? - Keep with some tweaks

If replace, New Intended Function? -


Assault Railgun

Intended Function? - Spray and pray, get assists?

Does it work? - No

If no, Why? - Too little dps, effective range not clear, worst weapon I have tried

Keep or Replace? - Keep with tweaks

If replace, New Intended Function? -

If you take the coil mortar.   Then shoot the beacon.  You will hit half of the intercepters circling the beacon :yes_yes:


I will run a test about that.

splash damage is less than 300m

Seems so, but I thought it were lower than 300, was that tested?, Codebot’s suggestion doesn’t sound convincing.

Frigate Laser Assault (Beam Cannon)
Intended Function? long range, accurate low dps
Does it work? it does work, and I have had success with it, but it’s very finicky and rarely hits for full damage
Keep or Replace? keep, with slight damage buffs
If replace, New Intended Function?