Weapon System Inhibitor taking too much energy too maintain

it is not our problem you still don’t know how to use guard to deal with interceptors on choke points.

Or guards in general.

Nice try of Trashtalk Kyostan, but if your argumentation is limited to this, it’s a pointless discussion.

Nice try of Trashtalk Kyostan, but if your argumentation is limited to this, it’s a pointless discussion.



Not my problem if wpk still don’t know how To deal with guards.

ECMs are fine, they are the only class in the game whose modules can be countered by a passive slot. If you are afraid of ECM, just fit a proton wall.


For me they are OK, and needed in squad warfare.


Shorten module effective time is not exactly counter. Proton wall may act as a countermeasure on some ships, but seriously, can you reactivate those modules jammed down recently by ECM? Not even close, right?


What proton wall can do is to save an interceptor’s life since it reduce the immobilization time on them. And mobility, at some point, is only essential to interceptors. 


If there’s really a countermeasure, it should reboot your module when they’re being jammed down. 


If there’s really a countermeasure, it should reboot your module when they’re being jammed down. 

Make Ion Emitter not jam your modules, but put them on cooldown instead. Cool, eh ? *sarcasm* 

Even I  can admit it will be way too OP

Make Ion Emitter not jam your modules, but put them on cooldown instead. Cool, eh ? *sarcasm* 

Even I  can admit it will be way too OP


I don’t mean to change the statistic of proton wall. What I wanted to point out was that there’s really no countermeasures exist in game to counter ECM.


Maybe by changing the guard’s current module or even create a new type of guard module can balance this. 

 there’s really no countermeasures exist in game to counter ECM.


And what do you call the Jam of Cov Ops and LRF ? Skilled Cov Ops can laugh at ECM and kill him in the 20 sec the ECM can not target, so can not disable or stun.


I know, I know, no cov ops plays this module, because it does not kill or save you. Well, start using it !!

And what do you call the Jam of Cov Ops and LRF ? Skilled Cov Ops can laugh at ECM and kill him in the 20 sec the ECM can not target, so can not disable or stun.


I know, I know, no cov ops plays this module, because it does not kill or save you. Well, start using it !!


Yeah, a skillful covert ops pilot can somehow limit an ECM, but that’s a bit too situational. Covert ops is meant to be damage dealers, target system jammer is more likely to be a defensive/supportive module. It’s more suitable to be used as a evade tool to evade tackler than to be used against ECM. 


LRF’s AoE jammer is quite powerful in some situations. But AoE also means that most pilot only use it when 2 or more enemies are targeting them. And mostly, those who target the LRF probably won’t piloting an ECM. For a LRF to jam an ECM on its targeting system, LRF pilot must need to lure ECM. But that’s not happening too often as there’s normally a huge distance between them. Probably, a covert ops will try to close the gap and ambush the LRF. However, an ECM won’t do that, at least not so often. 


So, in decent team battles, ECM may be countered by some well-cooperated pilots. But in normal battles, there’s not so many choices on countering ECM at present. 

I know, I know, no cov ops plays this module, because it does not kill or save you. Well, start using it !!

Playing solo is very situational. But in squad is very useful.

Or they could make something fun like “Reduce the effect of active modules by X percent” :smiley:

  1. See ECM comming at him

  2. Fly toward a guard or an engi

  3. Profit