Weapon Models Upgrade Discussion

Welcome to **[Weapon Models Upgrade](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32734-large-scale-upgrade-of-weapon-models/) **Discussion!


Good job, the new models look awesome! And the icons finally match the looks of the weapons now! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

The backstory of the weapons? Will that include the alien ones too? (like Dag’tnith, Thi’Lith, Sk’Rah, G’Thar’Du, Thar’Ga’tok and Thar’kth)

One thing that bothers me is the size of the weapons on some ships, not just the shape of the models.

While it may look okay on a Frigate, the same model might have issues on a Fighter.

I hope that you can scale down in % - size of all weapons for ship classes.

This will look more pleasing and realistic to the eye.

The new models look great. Now i have to get used to the new icons.

Funy how Ion has the only animated texture -> There’s a red glow moving.

i dont like new icons looks confusing

18 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Funy how Ion has the only animated texture -> There’s a red glow moving.

Eclipse launcher and the Messon Cannon are animated too.They have those electrical arcs inside them.

40 minutes ago, ixo2014 said:

i dont like new icons looks confusing

u’ll get used to it

3 hours ago, Scar6 said:

Good job, the new models look awesome! And the icons finally match the looks of the weapons now! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

The backstory of the weapons? Will that include the alien ones too? (like Dag’tnith, Thi’Lith, Sk’Rah, G’Thar’Du, Thar’Ga’tok and Thar’kth)

they look nice : )


only I think this is the less significant change we had in a while?

Old icons were “cleaner” and easier to distinguish in the interface, new ones look very-very-very similar to each other. And if you have to “scale” interface due to resolution being to high, icons become a blurry blobs.

Love the weapon models though

14 minutes ago, gheni4 said:

only I think this is the less significant change we had in a while?

no, but only because it’s insignificant it’s still detail, and in sum, details are significant, I would say.

they also show off some thought behind the details. as a game has many people working on it, of course not all changes in every aspect are significant on the whole, but maybe for the little part they are working on.

With some of the “significant changes” we had recently, I guess an insignificant one is even better to rejoice. Grin.

2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Old icons were “cleaner” and easier to distinguish in the interface

true, feel the same, albeit some of them were weird tho, or already new-style and it looked a bit mixed that way. its still more recognizable, than guns in realistic shooters ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

Old icons were “cleaner” and easier to distinguish in the interface, new ones look very-very-very similar to each other. And if you have to “scale” interface due to resolution being to high, icons become a blurry blobs

Ikr. Some icons look nearly identical too. It’s kinda hard to distinguish them sometimes.

About the icons, i agree, too much similar, i have to read the description of the weapon to know what i’m installing.

It would be nice if they add some “elemental” color to the icons (kinetic - yellow / thermal - red / EM - blue).

New weapon models are quite nice indeed. I’m just slightly annoyed by all my beam cannons now being bright yellow.

Any hope of getting a new customization option for adjusting weapon main color?

I don’t like the new look and need time to adjust it. Have to look at text to tell which gun I’m using instead of image. But then I only fly Thar’ga with shotgun so that’s that.

I like new models in general, but a few I don’t like include:

-Ion Emitter: yeah, this rounded thingy with glowing stick. Looks too plain. Previous model was much better, I think shrapnel has it now.

-Assault Railgun: not looking much railgun like. Maybe its just the excessive lights.

-Positron Cannon: come on, it’s long range gun, why it’s barrel is so short ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

-RF Blaster: Looks like it’s barrel should be rotated by 90 degrees.


Other guns are amazing, especially Phase Supressor. A lot of details. Eclipse looks like syringe but I like it with that electricity effect. Destructor is ok, but its barrels should be pointing at converge point other than at target while shooting.
I agree that they should be scaled a little down, phase supressor is like 1/4 length of the whole ship. Beam cannon has silly long barrel too.

Yeah, about time! And now my weapons on Thar’Ga fits to the paint ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) . Though, i agree about the icons. They can be confusing at the moment.

I like the new Eclipse! ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)