Weapon dmg. drop, no "effect" dmg. in (value)

Right now i deal 422 dmg. with my Machete Assault Railgun II Mk.2 which is less than Axe with Assault Railgun I Mk.1 (443)

I dealt very low dmg. in PVP, PVE and when undocking.


The bug is constant, reloging Star Conflict or Steam didn’t help.

Changing, selling, bying, reequipping ships or weapons didn’t help.

I don’t know when it started exactly so i provide all logs after the last patch.


All my ships have decreased overall damage with all weapons.


When stating: Damage(kinetic) the damage for eg. Assault Railgun I stands for 354 dmg with no effect damage, while it should be 443(89)

The effect damage stated in () is nonexistent, there is no () and no value after “354” while holding CTRL key.

Happens with all weapons of different tiers and Mk’s (white,blue,purple)


When creating new account the values and effect damage in () did exist and was correct.


This is very frustrating beacause I can’t fight with fair chances in PVP when with my best ship and weapon I can’t deal even the same damage as starting ship with basic weapon.

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8796)

[logs.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8797)



a) you have MK3 version on T1 ship vs MK2 version on T2 ship, 

b) you have dmg ammo equipped on top of that on MK3 ship


So far I don’t understand what exactly the issue is

It desn’t matter which version i have mounted beacause the total output of my weapons is 25-35% lower than it should be. Don’t compare them between each other for all of then are not correct. I provided them in that configuration so that you could see it hapens on all versions of weapons and ships.


Try comparing my damage output with the same ship and weapon settings on other account and you will see the difference. My damage is not default.


Yes ammo modificator works but stil proc’s from the base which is lowered by that 25-35%

I changed the screenshots.


Now you can see the comparison of damage output with the same ship and weapon on my account and new one.


I have no (kinetic) (thermal) (EM) damage on my ships, only vanilla damage that i presume is nonresistable.

I assume the screenies with higher dmg are from some time ago, closer to when you just started this game.

All new accounts have a temporarily buff to the dmg and survivability for certain amount of games (can’t remember how many). It looks like that the "newby " buff is gone now.

Ohh that could be the thing i didn’t know there was something like newbie buff, I didn’t recive any information about that. If it’s really that then the topic can be closed. 

Ohh that could be the thing i didn’t know there was something like newbie buff, I didn’t recive any information about that. If it’s really that then the topic can be closed. 

Yes, unfortunately these things aren’t clearly or not at all communicated to new pilots :frowning:

I do miss the buff…

That newbie buff is so much fun :smiley: