1 hour ago, SunnySweet said:
since you didn’t see this. Try now.
Singularity with supernovas, which was my original point does not have higher projectile speed than this, and yet they used to be effectively used, and no, invulnerability was not the main reason why they were used.
1 hour ago, SunnySweet said:
Majority have tested weapon now, and experience from more people is always better than experience from one person or just few.
If we would balance the game strictly based on MAJORITY we would still have original Tharga, because so-called MAJORITY including, MAJORITY form this forum could not do jack in it and were easily dominated by regular silver ships. The majority is an incapable mass, which needs a special care, which is a compleately different topic.
1 hour ago, SunnySweet said:
This would be OK if everything here was balanced this way.
Since IGNIS is only balanced weapon in this way then it is not OK.
and it is NOT the only weapon balanced this way, might wanna get your facts straight before you act so high and mighty.
1 hour ago, SunnySweet said:
But when we manufacture something that is very expensive like Wolfhound and it suc k like this complete does than MAJORITY is not happy.
Just Grumpy Gus is.
If you are so good at understanding everything, why in the world you built it? Everything in regards these ships is Up front, it is very easy to envision what potential the frame has, and what capabilities it would be at.
The ship is fine as is, and if it was a bit different meta, it would be definitely OP, just Ignis that need a bit of projectile speed so usage is not exclusive to a handful of individuals.