Waz'got WL-emitter wrong laser color

Waz’got WL, is showing the wrong color effect while firing, it’s should be a green effect instead of perma red, or the color should change depending of the target




log:[2017.08.18 19.31.34.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=15179)

Man the colour is changing: yello-greenish when healing – tick, tick, – red when damaging enemies. Its an ally tracking weapon, the switch to red/damage takes approx 1/2 to 1 sec.

3 hours ago, avarshina said:

Man the colour is changing: yello-greenish when healing – tick, tick, – red when damaging enemies. Its an ally tracking weapon, the switch to red/damage takes approx 1/2 to 1 sec.

Look at the screenshot again, i’m not talking of the beam, but the light it produce