Waz'Got - Incorrect default equipment provided with a ship!

Bug report: (Waz’Got - Rank 5 basic ship)


When you build the Waz’Got, you get default engineering modules or equipment on it.

However, one item is meant for a Long Range Frigate - Weapon Overcharge module. This is a wrong item!

As such, it cannot be equipped on the Waz’Got, so it’s added to the Storage.


Please, remove an incorrect item and provide a real one that was meant to be there in the first place for the Waz’Got.





Logs: (15:06+ or 03:06+ PM)

[2017.07.10 12.27.22.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14841)

I’m sure the devs understand your frustration in regards to the… 27,000 credit module you had to pay for the module you didn’t recieve with the ship…
they definitely owe you those credits you paid for the module you likely would have replaced anyways!!!
…so if you want to collect on that debt, undock from station Elydium Theta, fly less than 1km to your right, over by that turret, and pick up 3-4 boxes (always boxes around there)… you’ll have enough credits to buy not one, but TWO modules that will fit your new ship!

and I have doubts that the devs are going to care about a few thousand credits on a ship that cost millions

2 hours ago, Zombie_Hunter003 said:

I’m sure the devs understand your frustration in regards to the… 27,000 credit module you had to pay for the module you didn’t recieve with the ship…
they definitely owe you those credits you paid for the module you likely would have replaced anyways!!!
…so if you want to collect on that debt, undock from station Elydium Theta, fly less than 1km to your right, over by that turret, and pick up 3-4 boxes (always boxes around there)… you’ll have enough credits to buy not one, but TWO modules that will fit your new ship!

and I have doubts that the devs are going to care about a few thousand credits on a ship that cost millions

You failed to understand my point… entirely!


You’re given a basic Rank 5 Waz’Got with default equipment. I did not buy it, nor did I sell it. I got well over 1 000 000 000 credits, so I do not care, not one bit about 27000 credits.


Again, this bug report is not even related to the issue I am describing.

well, yeah. just saying that it’s a rank 5 mod… the weapon overcharge thing is useless even on a LRF, and knowing the devs they could just as easily put Engineering modules on it you would never use… while it is a mistake, It can be easily fixed by the player, and it’s a one time thing.
also, your screenshot doesn’t really explain anything about the issue you described.

11 minutes ago, Zombie_Hunter003 said:

well, yeah. just saying that it’s a rank 5 mod… the weapon overcharge thing is useless even on a LRF, and knowing the devs they could just as easily put Engineering modules on it you would never use… while it is a mistake, It can be easily fixed by the player, and it’s a one time thing.
also, your screenshot doesn’t really explain anything about the issue you described.

It’s still technically a bug, no matter how your put it.