Waz'Got - Criminal status not active, when fired upon a neutral target with Scavenger drones

Bug report: (Tested in Open Space mode, Ellydium Theta docking station gate)


Using the Waz’Got (Station protection - Off), and the special ability - Scavenger drones, will not trigger Criminal status, if fired upon a neutral (orange) target or an object, like a Guard Turret.

However, only once the object or target is destroyed, the attacker is recognized as an Aggressor and a Criminal, Rocket Turrets and the Military Police moves in for the kill.


When attacking a neutral target or an object, any hits the attacker should immediately trigger 30 seconds Criminal status. Neutral ships should instantly trigger the Criminal status, while an object that is attacked needs some more damage in order to trigger the Criminal status.


Steps to reproduce this bug:

  • undock with Waz’Got

  • lock on some orange or neutral target/player or an object

  • wait until the target or an object is destroyed







Logs: (Public Beta Test)

[2017.06.25 18.28.58.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14696)



[DxDiag.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14697)