Ways to acquire GS?

Are there ways to acquire GS outside of forking up cash? I mean in realistic quantities–does owning a sector provide GS income? I know that daily bundles grant 5-20 every blue moon, but what else?

Are there ways to acquire GS outside of forking up cash? I mean in realistic quantities–does owning a sector provide GS income? I know that daily bundles grant 5-20 every blue moon, but what else?

Tournaments (every day now) and contests

Tournaments (every day now) and contests

Thanks! Are you planning to keep tournaments as a daily thing, or are they going to go back to a weekly event after the holidays? 

Thanks! Are you planning to keep tournaments as a daily thing, or are they going to go back to a weekly event after the holidays? 

We’ll see :slight_smile:

And don’t forget achievements

I got over 2k Gs by making them(and there are nice when you need less then 100gs to buy smth)

And don’t forget achievements

… and in-game polls!

… and in-game polls!

… and sector reward

… and becoming a SC team member(GM, Translator, …)

… and sector reward

… and becoming a SC team member(GM, Translator, …)

I hereby nominate myself as a GM. I accept, welcome aboard.


You’re all banned. Send me 30 blueberry muffins and I shall consider mercy.


All hail Doombot

I hereby nominate myself as a GM. I accept, welcome aboard.


You’re all banned. Send me 30 blueberry muffins and I shall consider mercy.


All hail Doombot

NO! - Not Doomb0t 201(about to be 6)

All hail Doombot
