Wanted!: Are the weapons permanent?

I’m hoping to get an official response on this from Aliskosan.

Will players who get these guns be able to keep them? Or will they be restricted to specific classes and reset to level 1?

The last thing anyone here wants is to put in a ton of work and parts for upgrading these guns, just to have them removed and restricted to other classes.

And will these guns be available after the event, or are they limited time collectables?

I’m a little wary of wasting tons of time to get a “temporary” reward.

I want to know this as well. I’ve spent all this time getting the Phase Halter and the Flux Phaser, I want to know that I’m gonna keep them.

and if these are meant to be class-specific weapons, then they are going to need some serious work, because the Kinetic one is pointless, and the EM one fires too slowly, doesn’t have a good enough blast range, and it isn’t automatic. I’d assume they’d be for LRF and Gunship, respectively, but that just doesn’t seem like It would work.

The Phase Halter for the Covert Ops seems like a good weapon though.

I’m pretty sure you will keep them. Would be a pretty dumb move to put people through this grind then take them away from them.

Yes and they’ll be introduced in shop as regular weapons. That’s what happens with new weapons

And from what I’ve heard they’ll be available on all ships, too

They better be.

After spending a millions of cash, vouchers and Iridium, they are mine.

Still need to get T4 and T5 PvP weapon, though.

It should be at least Mark 5 as a reward, since we will get it anyway!


Hey there.

You will keep this weapon. It is 1 for fighters 1 for inties 1 for frigates and it’s going to stay that way.

You won’t have an opportunity to buy them afterwards.

They better be.

After spending a millions of cash, vouchers and Iridium, they are mine.

Still need to get T4 and T5 PvP weapon, though.

It should be at least Mark 5 as a reward, since we will get it anyway!

What’s better than mk5?


Hey there.

You will keep this weapon. It is 1 for fighters 1 for inties 1 for frigates and it’s going to stay that way.

You won’t have an opportunity to buy them afterwards.

How long do we get to complete missions?

What’s better than mk5?

You did not get a free Mark 5 weapon, but Mark 1.

What is better? A fully upgraded weapon as a reward!

You won’t have an opportunity to buy them afterwards.


Is this for real? And if it is, why?


Hey there.

You will keep this weapon. It is 1 for fighters 1 for inties 1 for frigates and it’s going to stay that way.

You won’t have an opportunity to buy them afterwards.



We should be able to buy them afterwards. Or it will just be like the t3 target tracking coprocessor. People have an advantage that newer pilots cannot get anymore.

We should be able to buy them afterwards. Or it will just be like the t3 target tracking coprocessor. People have an advantage that newer pilots cannot get anymore.


But worse, it’s a whole weapon with a whole new system, and a possible new meta, way worse than a filthy module that adds crit dmg.

Final goal: T5 PvP - 160 Agent kills.

Let me see, how long will I need to accomplish this.


Place your bets!

Final goal: T5 PvP - 160 Agent kills.

Let me see, how long will I need to accomplish this.


Place your bets!

edit lol pvp. 


im guessing 80 games. 

Is this for real? And if it is, why?

Most likely they will be available through blueprints and crystals in invasion.