Want to Join a Jericho Corporation

Hello, I’m new to this game and I’m looking for a corporation that will hopefuly accompany me and my questions as I learn how to play. I am rank 3 and only have tier one ships but I would be interested in participating in sector conquest when I level up. I’m from turkey so european timezone is a preferance. I can speak english, german and of course turkish and I have teamspeak if it is necessary.


Ps: I checked some other applications and seems like adding a screenshot of pilot profile is a good idea, but as of now I only have 10 battles anyway so I will pass :slight_smile:

Hello, welcome to the forums and good luck in your search!

Hello, welcome to the forums and good luck in your search!

Thank you! :smiley:

His option,but look for a corp of fellow minded players.If you would like,swing by our ts and meet a few guys and gals,we play this game and a few others as well… and ask for myself or another admin,and even if you do not Join GoD,your still welcome to hang out and kick it…